Diabetes Is Likely Responsible For Your Blurry Vision. Learn The Control And Prevention Measures
Complications of diabetes 1 . Heart and blood vessel disease 2 . Nerve damage ( Neuropathy ) 3 . Eye damage 4. Pregnancy complications 5 . Foot damage. Diabetes is…
The Medical And/Or Biological Reasons Parents Must Provide An Appropriate Level Of Attention To Their Children. ADHD Is The Medical Condition
While some people may devote a regular time to providing a minimum level of attention to their children, other parents consider even the idea of consciously providing attention to their…
Permanent And Temporal Loss Of Sense Of Smell (Anosmia). How And Why It Happens
Anyone can loose his or her sense of smell temporarily or permanently. A person can lose his or her sense of smell to the extent that when you lock the…
Reversible Blindness And Mental Disturbance During Pregnancy: A Complication Of Hypertensive Encephalopathy
Reversible blindness and mental disturbance during pregnancy are conditions that can easily be prevented and/or easily managed when reported early. A mistake, not reporting the early signs on time, can…
How A Gift Of Sliced Fruit Led To The Death Of Neighbor’s Son
A true life incident happened recently, and the child was declared dead at a government hospital. The incident, which is medical or biological in nature, has led to several name…
Preeclampsia: The Common Early Sign Of Dangerous Complications In Pregnancy
One moment a pregnant women must see a doctor as early as possible is when she has swollen legs and hands with a persistent headache during pregnancy. This early sign…
How High Blood Pressure (BP) Can Make You Loose Memory Or Vision Even At An Early Age
Do you know that high blood pressure can make you lose vision, albeit partially? High blood pressure can equally make an individual loose his or her memory to the extent…
3 Food Ingredients A Doctor Will Ask You To Stop Eating After Age 40 Or 50. Start Now
Every human being will need to reduce drastically the consumption of certain food ingredients or additives in order to live longer. The earlier you reduce consumption of such food ingredients,…
How To Safely Manage Nose Bleeding At Home
Everyone would experience nose bleeding at least once in their lifetime, whilst others would experience it very often. Learn how to prevent nose bleeding and also learn first aids for…
Danger: The Scientific Reason Parents Do Not Allow Children To Blow Cooking Fire With Mouth
Parents always ensure there is a fan in the house to fan the cooking fire. Even for a short while, parents do not permit their wards to blow air on…