Preeclampsia: The Common Early Sign Of Dangerous Complications In Pregnancy

One moment a pregnant women must see a doctor as early as possible is when she has swollen legs and hands with a persistent headache during pregnancy.

This early sign of possible complications for pregnancy, swollen legs and hands with a headache is normally construed as a sign that the pregnancy is a male child. Meanwhile, it simply means the pregnant person is sitting on a time bomb of complications. A basic knowledge of the condition can save the life of both the baby and the mother.

Swollen legs and hands with persistent headache are major signs of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a condition that can occur during pregnancy where there is a sudden rise in blood pressure. This condition normally occurs after 20 weeks of gestation.

The complications that can result from preeclampsia are:

1 . Reversible blindness

2 . Fetal growth restriction

3 . Heart failure

4. Stroke

5 . Organ damage

6 . Preterm birth

7 . Bleeding after delivery

8 . Fluid buildup in the chest and lungs.

Individuals can only know whether their swelling of the legs and hands is normal or not when they visit the hospital for check-ups and reports. Do not sit unconcerned for complications to set in, since everyone is responsible for their own health and their loved ones. Some causes of preeclampsia are:

1 . Family history

2 . Obesity

3. being pregnant for the first time

4 . Autoimmune disorders

5. Chronic hypertension patient

6 . Being more than 40 years

7. Blood vessel disorders

8. Diabetes

Signs and symptoms of this dangerous condition are:

1. Headache

2. Right upper belly pains

3. Nausea and vomiting

4. Swollen legs and hands

5. Protein in urine

6. Blurry vision

7. Light sensitivity

8. Weight gain

Preventive measures for preeclampsia are:

1 . Take control of your weight

2 . Bed rest

3 . Religiously adherence to BP and diabetic medications

4 . Regular antenatal check-ups

Another reason pregnant women must visit any health facility immediately they notice that they are pregnant is to keep them and the unborn baby safe, especially from possible compilation from preeclampsia.

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