The Medical And/Or Biological Reasons Parents Must Provide An Appropriate Level Of Attention To Their Children. ADHD Is The Medical Condition

While some people may devote a regular time to providing a minimum level of attention to their children, other parents consider even the idea of consciously providing attention to their children irrelevant.

The fact is, there will be some level of trouble for your child if you do not provide that attention he or she needs.

Aside from the illustration of the medical treatment for the condition, though it is recommended parents send their child to hospital after noticing any of the signs and symptoms, a collection of some home management tips for the condition has also been outlined.

Anxiety is one issue that causes attention problems in children. There is a type of anxiety disorder called Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention (that’s because they have shorter attention time). They have trouble controlling impulsive behavior ( they may act without thinking about the outcome).The child gets easily distracted and has problems following simple instructions or sitting in one place, especially a quiet place.

The children who have ADHD are also hyperactive. Even though children have a short attention time and are more easily distractible than adults, some of the affected children have more problems focusing and staying on task than others.

Other things that can cause attention deficit in a child are

1 . Chronic worries in a child can make focusing difficult for a child both in school and home, which parents and/or teachers may not be aware of. Anxiety tends to lock up the child’s brain, making the child lose concentration most of the time.

2 . Separation anxiety: A child whose parents or parents used to be close to him or her will experience separation anxiety when they suddenly leave the child for a long time or when the child is not expecting his or her parents to leave him or her unexpectedly . A child with separation anxiety might be preoccupied with something bad happening to his or her parents when he or she is away from any of them, making it difficult for the child to focus or concentrate in school or home.

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Causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

1 .The main cause of this disorder is hereditary and it’s more diagnosed in males than in females.

Other causes are:

2 . Brain injury

3 . Premature delivery

4 . Low birth weight

5. Smoking during pregnancy.

Signs and Symptoms

1 . Not being able to sit still

2 . Emotional outburst

3. Not being able to concentrate on a task

4 . Acting without thinking about the outcome

5 . problems playing quietly.

6 . Excessive talking

7 . Impatience

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Standard treatment for ADHD in children includes:

1 . Medications

2. Behavior therapy

3 . Counseling

4 . Education services

Parenting tips for raising a child with ADHD

1 . Focus on your child’s strength: Know what your child can do .

2. Keep your child busy

3 . Encourage outdoor activities

4. Give clear, effective directions and/or commands

5. Give praise or reward when he or she follows rules .

6. Help your child to have a restful sleep .

7 . Help your child to maintain relationships or friends.

8. Establish a healthy habit .

9 . Help your child to discover his or her talent.

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