Free insurance policy for GNAT Ashanti members

Free insurance policyFree insurance policy

Free insurance policy for GNAT Ashanti members

Bottom point: Other regional secretariats can equally provide free insurance policy for their members. It is left to your members in your region to insist your district and regional executives adopt the initiative. If the district and regional executives complain about the source of funding, the insurance premium lets them ask Ashanti GNAT secretariat for guidance or to show them the way.


The forceful request by GNAT members in a particular region starts with local area executives. Your numbers are more than district or regional executives in your district/ region. If GNAT Ashanti region can do it, then others can equally do it.


Highlights of the insurance policy

1. The policy provides various sums of money to members or spouses of members against death, permanent incapacitation, hospitalization whenever the member or their spouse is involved.


2. Members do not have to pay any contributions themselves. All premiums will be paid by the regional secretariat.


3. No need to ask questions about where they will get the funds from because analysis by GNAT Ashanti and their partners showed the regional secretariat could pay. That is why the policy is being implemented.


The insurance policy

GNAT Ashanti provides FREE insurance cover for members | No need to chastise other regional executives. A good leader learns from best practices.


The leadership of GNAT Ashanti is paying for FREE to insure every GNAT member in Ashanti region. You are not paying a pesewa or a Kobo.


Free Ashanti GNAT supreme care policy insurance offers

GHC3,500 for the demise of a member

GHC2,500 for the demise of a member’s spouse

GHC3,500 for permanent incapacitation of a member

GHC2,500 for permanent incapacitation of a member’s spouse

GHC1,700 for critical ailment of a member

GHC1,500 for hospitalization of a member beyond 10 days


Prosper Tachie
Prosper Tachie



The Ashanti Regional chairperson, Prosper Tachie is very innovative and always trying to bring out policies and programmes that will help members. He is doing extremely well

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