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Free G.E.S Promotion Tutorials And Past Questions’ Solutions

Why the free G.E.S promotion classes? And other promotion issues. Join the free promotion exam classes on whatsapp (Click here to join free GES promotion class on whatsapp) or on…

How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain Through Play: Lesson 6

Play six (6): Sounds game for kids under nine (9) months Introduction Kids can not be sat down to teach them. The only way to have access to children under…

How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain Through Play: Lesson 5

Play five (5): Bottle covering and opening for kids under nine (9) months Introduction Making good use of anything that could be considered a waste is an added value. Making…

How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain Through Play: Lesson 4

Play 4: False feeding for kids under seven (7) months Introduction False feeding play is one game that can connect the minds of the parents or caregivers with that of…

How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain Through Play: Lesson 3

Play 3: The mirror or reflection games for kids under five (5) months Introduction What do kids under five (5) months know? It has been established that human beings learn…

How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain: Lesson 2

Lesson 2: Newly Born Stage Introduction: Every parent wants their children to develop faster and better than themselves in all spheres of life, including but not limited to good morale,…

How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain: Lesson 1

How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain Lesson 1: Baby Bump Stage Introduction To sharpen the brain simply means you are consciously putting an effort into a child’s development such that…

How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain: Introduction

a) The lessons are less than a page in simple words to understand by the reader/parent b) The lessons need only 3 minutes to apply without a rush using play…

How To Prevent People From Adding You To Groups On Whatsapp/Telegram And Tagging On Facebook

Have you noticed being tagged on Facebook posts with items like money ritual or general scam schemes or unnecessary things and seem helpless what to do? Being added to fraudulent…

Fraud Alert From American Embassy

Whether you have ever been defrauded or not, it is in everyone’s interest to know some of the schemes. The US embassy provides a solution/guide to avoiding the latest fraud…