Stress: The Silent Killer

Stress: The Silent Killer Stress the silent killer : Stress is a normal reaction that happens to everyone. Even though the human body is designed to experience stress and react…

Effective Way To Control Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)

Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a condition in which painful sores or ulcers develop in the lining of the stomach or the first part of the small intestine ( Duodenum…

Complete List Of CPD Points Requirements For 100% CPD Points As Indicated By NTC

The license of Ghanaian teachers will have to be renewed every three (3) years after the teachers meet certain requirements, in the form of scoring a level of CPD points…

Fraud Alert On Ghana Card Link To Bank Account: Beware, Take This Caution.

The need for Ghanaian residents to link their national identity card numbers to their bank accounts effective 1st July, 2022 has given criminals and fraudsters the opportunity to quickly devise…

Diabetes Is Likely Responsible For Your Blurry Vision. Learn The Control And Prevention Measures

Complications of diabetes 1 . Heart and blood vessel disease 2 . Nerve damage ( Neuropathy ) 3 . Eye damage 4. Pregnancy complications 5 . Foot damage. Diabetes is…

CPD Points: Teachers Will Continue Wasting Money On Workshops For Points If They Do Not Log Into Their Teachers’ Portal

Teaser 1: what does evidence of co-curriculum activities that a teacher needs to upload to the NTC website have to do with a Ghc50 workshop for points? Teaser 2: what…

How To Link Ghana Card To Bank Account Online

Effective 1st July, 2022, bank transactions can not be performed without a customer’s bank profile updated with his or her Ghana card, according to the Bank Of Ghana (BoG) directive.…

Free NTC Courses For CPD Points. [View Courses And Register Now]

One of the best and reliable places to acquire CPD points is the institution that introduced the point accumulation system, National Teaching Council (NTC). Since the introduction of CPD points…

G.E.S Rule On Financial Transactions Among Staff, Especially The Type Of Loans A Staff Can Give A Colleague Staff

Teaser 1: It may interest you to know that Ghana Education Service has a rule that regulates how loans among staff are conducted. Teaser 2: Ghana Education Service code of…

The Medical And/Or Biological Reasons Parents Must Provide An Appropriate Level Of Attention To Their Children. ADHD Is The Medical Condition

While some people may devote a regular time to providing a minimum level of attention to their children, other parents consider even the idea of consciously providing attention to their…