WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Twi (Asante) And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023 Twi (Asante)

WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Twi (Asante) And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023 Twi (Asante)

Teachers preparing students for any examination are always worried about the potential weaknesses in answers that their students will provide during the examination. Fortunately, the main examining body, the West Africa Examination Council always provide WASSCE candidates’ weaknesses in Twi (Asante) during the last held examinations.


WAEC Summary of 2021 WASSCE In Twi (Asante) Paper One (1)


The following were the commendable features observed in candidates’ answers:

1) Some candidates made a good used of figures of speech like idiomatic expressions and proverbs in their essays. This is good and other candidates should be encouraged to do the same.

2) Also, some candidates were able to write the required number of words in the essay.

3) The organization of answers by many candidates was good. They wrote every new question on a new page. Their paragraphing was also good and they presented their ideas and answers in an orderly and logical manner.



1) The first weakness identified was poor spelling. Most candidates could not spell simple words and this affected their Mechanical Accuracy in both the essay writing and the translation exercise.

2) Again, it was observed that some candidates could not read and comprehend the passage, based on the answers they provided.



1) Teachers should conduct more spelling drills and vocabulary building activities to help improve candidates’ spelling. Candidates should also be given more essay writing exercises to equip them with the correct spelling and usage of words.

2) The teaching of comprehension should be intensified in schools and students should be made to give a summary of every piece they read. This will assist them to read and understand every given passage.


WAEC Summary of 2020 WASSCE In Twi (Asante) Paper One (1)


(1) Well Built Essays

Generally, most candidates were able to write full length essays. They were able to raise appropriate points and discuss them effectively.

(2) Good Organisation

The organisation of answers of many candidates was very encouraging. In addition, they gave the composition appropriate paragraphs and presented their ideas coherently.

(3) Vowel Sounds

Most candidates were able to give the appropriate phonetic description of the vowels.



(1) Poor orthography

The spelling, punctuation, word division as well as tenses of some candidates were very poor.

(2) Non-adherence to rubrics

Candidates were required to answer only one question from the phonology section and one from the syntax section. In some instances, some candidates answered all the two questions under phonology and, or, all the two questions under syntax.

(3) Language Structure

Most candidates performed poorly with respect to both the phonology and syntax.



(1) Poor Orthography

Teachers should give much attention to the orthography of the language. Teachers should give students adequate class exercises including dictations, spellings and encourage them to read both intensively and extensively to improve on their orthography.

(2) Non-adherence to Exams Directives

Teachers should advise students on the need to adhere to exam directives. Apart from time wasting, it gives students unnecessary pressure as well as not getting enough time to deal with the questions appropriately.

(3) Language Structure

The needed attention must be given to both the teaching and learning of the structure of the language.


WAEC Summary of 2021 WASSCE In Twi (Asante) Paper Two (2)


(1) In the area of Customs and Institutions, candidates did quite well. Characterization and poetry appreciation under the written literature section also received a good attention.

(2) Aspects of some context questions were also handled adequately especially as candidates could easily attribute the given quotes from the text to their speakers and addressees.

(3) Candidates also made a good effort at analyzing the structural content of a poem as the question demanded.



(1) Inability on the part of some candidates to understand the rubrics of questions in order to tackle them head-on was the bane of candidates’ orderly presentation and development of ideas.

(2) Poor language use (e.g. lack of control over the orthography of the language) marred the beauty of the answers provided by most candidates who understood the questions.



(1) Classroom teachers must devote time to students, not only in giving them the content but also taking them through how the content can be organized into a good package under examination conditions. This means teaching them the fine details of the demands of questions and how to tackle them.

(2) Students should be encouraged to read more Twi books to improve upon their orthography


WAEC Summary of 2020 WASSCE In Twi (Asante) Paper Two (2)


(1) Most candidates had a fair idea about the two questions in the oral literature especially on the question on proverbs. A few others also distinguished themselves in the written literature; Drama.

(2) There was clarity in the expressions of some candidates. Concise answers were provided by some candidates to buttress their points.

(3) There was improvement in the handwriting of some candidates. These made it easy for their answers to be read without much difficulty.



(1) Some candidates confused the characters of the prose and those of the drama.

(2) The majority of candidates stated points for the answers without sampling them.

(3) Many of the candidates were not able to handle well the question on the poems tested. Low marks were recorded in this section.

See also: WAEC Invites Candidates/ Schools Whose Results Were Withheld For Investigation From 28th To 31st March 2023 | Help alert candidates whose results were withheld

See also: WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Twi (Akwapem) And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023 Twi (Akwapem)


(1) Students must be taken through the literature texts intensively and given enough exercises.

(2) Particular attention should be paid to the literary devices in poems and how they advance the meaning of the poem.

(3) If possible, they should encourage candidates to work on past questions to help them to answer questions well.


It is the hope of our team that candidates will perform better when teachers and candidates go through this summary of strengths, WASECE candidates’ weaknesses in Twi (Asante) and remedies and apply same

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