WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Picture Making And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023

WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Picture Making And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023

Teachers preparing students for any examination are always worried about the potential weaknesses in answers that their students will provide during the examination. Fortunately, the main examining body, the West Africa Examination Council always provide WASSCE candidates’ weaknesses in Picture Making during the last held examinations.


WAEC Summary of 2021 WASSCE Picture Making Paper Two (2)


The Chief Examiner commended candidates for their abilities to:

  • write on the life, work and contributions of Ablade Glover and Ato Delaquis;
  • explain the role of the principles of design in picture making;
  • explain body art correctly;
  • describe benefits of illustrations to the society;
  • exhibit good illustrations, to depict the principles of design required in question two.



The Chief Examiner identified the following weaknesses in the candidates’ scripts:

  • few candidates interchanged information on Ablade Glover with that of Ato Delaquis;
  • most of the candidates could not describe the principles of design as expected of them;
  • most of the candidates could not state the similarities and differences between mosaic and montage;
  • most of the candidates were not able to explain scarification and cicatrisation as used in body art;
  • most of the candidates could not demonstrate understanding of the photographic screen production using the solar method;
  • Poor presentation of responses was identified in question 5 (b). In some cases they could not follow the orderly presentation of the processes involved in making a screen using solar energy



(a) To remedy the weakness of candidates.’ Teachers should teach the differences between montage, mosaic, marquetry, collage, etc. they should allow candidates’ to practise how the solar screen printing is done.

(b) Tutors should encourage their students to read books to improve their vocabulary.

(c) Teachers should teach their students how to present their answers in an orderly manner and refrain from mixing up the processes involved in answering practical base qeustions.


WAEC Summary of 2020 WASSCE Picture Making Paper Two (2)


(1) Majority of the candidates showed maturity in their choice of questions and a few were able to explain their answers in detail.

(2) Some candidates expressed themselves well in simple language which made reading easy and interesting.

(3) Some of the candidates presented their answers in an orderly coherent manner to demonstrate that they adequately prepared for the paper.

(4) Some candidates exhibited very good illustrations for question five (5) to depict the principle of size and tones.



(1) Poor expression of the English Language; some candidates could not express themselves well to bring out the meaning of what they wanted to say.

(2) Some candidates could not spell simple words and terms for example, missed for mixed, smudging for smudgeing, etc.

(3) Lack of understanding of the questions affected some candidates. For example, in question five, few candidates provided answers with no bearing on the principle used to show depth in perspective.

(4) Several candidates could not explain the terms related to the subject.

(5) A few candidates answered more questions than the four (4) required.

(6) Some candidates failed to write the number of the question they were answering.



(1) Teachers should correct candidates’ grammatical errors and spelling as they mark their written exercises. They should also explain words and terms in picture making to their


(2) Candidates should read the questions carefully to understand what the question is demanding before they answer.

(3) Teachers must teach both the theory and practical processes involved in the subject

(4) Candidates should always remember to write the number of the question they intend

to answer.

(5) Teachers should spend time to teach certain terminologies in the subject.


WAEC Summary of 2019 WASSCE Picture Making Paper Two (2)


(i) There was improvement in spelling.

(ii) There was improvement in construction of sentences, hence full sentences were written instead of one-word answers.

(iii) Most students understood the questions.

(iv) There was also improvement in handwriting.

(v) Number of questions to be answered was adhered to.

(vi) Most candidates transferred the question numbers in correct order onto the front page of the answer booklet.


See also: WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Sculpture And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023


(i) Few candidates still have problems with spelling. Examples include: Polition for polishing; vergia, gagain virgina for vagina; flour for floor; teraso for terrazzo;

talce for tiles; rainse for rinse; moorb for mop; dificating for defecating; leather, lader, for lather etc.

(ii) Few candidates wrote answers to some questions on different pages.

(iii) Some answered more than one question or gave more answers than expected for a question.

(iv) Some answered more than one question on a page.

(v) Few of them did not write the question numbers on the front page.

(vi) Some did not write their index numbers.

(vii) Grammatical errors were also weaknesses on the part of the candidates.

(viii) Some candidates were not able to give full answers to questions and this made them loose marks



(i) Students should be encouraged to read more instead of depending only on their teachers notes.

(ii) Teacher should be encouraged to write technical words of relevant words on the board and make sure students learn their spelling and meaning.

(iii) Teachers should teach the practical aspects of Management-in-Living and involve students during such lessons e.g. let them sweep and scrub the floor, defrost and clean the fridge, etc.

(iv) Invigilators should be encouraged to remind candidates about the need to read and adhere strictly to the instructions on the front page of the answer booklets and write their index numbers.

(v) Teachers should devote some of their periods to teaching their students how to answer questions.

(vi) They should also help the students to do independent work when it is required.

(vii) The libraries in the schools should be equipped with relevant books.

(viii) Speaking of pidgin English should be discouraged because candidates tend to write it during examinations.


It is the hope of our team that candidates will perform better when teachers and candidates go through this summary of strengths, WASECE candidates’ weaknesses in Picture Making and remedies and apply same

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