WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Government And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report For WASSCE 2023

WASSCE candidates’ weaknesses in GovernmentWASSCE candidates’ weaknesses in Government

WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Government And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report For WASSCE 2023

Teachers preparing students for any examination are always worried about the potential weaknesses in answers that their students will provide during the examination. Fortunately, the main examining body, the West Africa Examination Council always provide WASSCE candidates’ weaknesses in Government during the last held examination.


WAEC Summary of 2021 WASSCE Government Paper Two (2)


(a) Rubrics: Most of the candidates adhered strictly to the rubrics of the paper by answering the required number of questions from the trio sections and the required number of points demanded by each question.

(b) Precision in Answers: Very few candidates gave precise and straight – to – point answers to the questions

rather than relying on ‘warming up’ with irrelevant materials not demanded by the questions.

(c) Presentation of Work: There was orderly presentation and clarity of expressions in the work of candidates and good paragraphs for new points could be seen in candidates performance. This needs commendation.

(d) Improved Handwriting: Legible and readable handwriting of candidates were commendable features of their answers especially the good ones.

(e) Better Understanding of the Questions: Most candidates exhibited a high sense of better understanding and interpretation of the questions which made them to tackle the

questions with ease.

(f) Good Expression: Some candidates were able to express themselves very well using correct grammatical

expressions and tenses. This showed that some candidates had a good command of the language.

(g) Correct Terminologies: Some candidates were able to use the correct terminologies of the subject and were able to interpret them in the presentation of their essays.

(h) Spellings: Spellings of complex and simple words were superb enabling the examiners to read their answers with fluency with better understanding.



(i) Most of the candidates had little or no knowledge at all about the topics on which questions were asked.

They therefore wrote on irrelevant responses which either could not be readable or meaningful.

(ii) The handwriting of many candidates were not legible and difficult to read.

(iii) Many candidates had a lot of problems with spelling.

(iv) Answers given by some candidates did not seem to follow any form of sequence of reasoning logically.

Almost every answer to a question was full of irrelevant materials making answers shoddy and unrelated to the questions being answered.

(v) Some candidates cancelled their work in an untidy manner. In some cases, it was done multiple times like the web of a spider. In some cases cancelling was more of painting.

(vi) Some answers were too short to contain any relevant points to the question being answered.

(vii) Some candidates copied down the questions before answering them wasting precious time. Others gave wrong numbering of the questions been answered.

(viii) Some candidates continued to use symbols and abbreviations only understood by themselves. Example e’ I.e, de, der4,c, etc.



(1) To overcome language deficiency problem of candidates they should be encouraged to adopt the habit of

reading relevant literature to improve their vocabulary.

(2) Candidates should be advised to understand the questions, jot the points and be sure if those points are the answers before attempting them. The draft points should be neatly cancelled after expanding.

(3) Teachers should explain in detail the terminologies of the subject for a better understanding to their students.

(4) Teachers should give more assignments in essay form to sharpen their sense of expression and method of answering essay type of questions.

(5) Spelling tests should be encouraged and organized in schools to increase the spelling skills of students.

(6) The Government syllabus for should be covered by teachers before the WASSCE.


WAEC Summary of 2020 WASSCE Government Paper Two (2)


(1) Most candidates demonstrated adequate knowledge of the subject matter in the presentation of their work.

(2) Some candidates were very orderly in their presentation as well as legible in their hand writing which made it easy in the marking of their scripts.

(3) An appreciable number of candidates adhered to the rubrics.

(4) There was an improvement in the language of many of the candidates.



(1) Some candidates presented their answers with irrelevant preambles to the questions.

(2) Many of the candidates resorted to mere mentioning of points.

(3) Many candidates fumbled with the explanation of key concepts fundamental to the subject.

(4) Many candidates did not support their essays with relevant facts.

(5) There was lack of knowledge of the subject matter leading to deviation of questions attempted.



(1) Candidates should first read the rubrics, understand and apply the rules governing the paper in order not to deviate.

(2) Candidates should be taught how to identify the key demands of questions and how to answer them.

(3) Teachers of the subject should help students attain practical understanding of concepts so that they can handle well the exposition aspects of the questions.

(4) Candidates should do well to present their work in an orderly manner exhibiting clarity of thought and facts.

(5) Candidates should cultivate the habit of reading to improve their vocabulary and build their spelling power.

(6) Teachers of the subject should do well to give all topics in the syllabus equal attention as well as teach all topics with equal zeal and make the subject interesting to gain the attention and interest of the candidates.

(7) To touch on all topics in the syllabus, teachers should do well to give some topics out as project work to candidates thereby making them active participants in the quest for search of knowledge and get them to understand the topics they researched on.

(8) Teachers should do well to whip up the interest of candidates in the section (A) part of Government paper 2, i.e “ELEMENTS OF GOVERNMENT” as the performance of candidates keep falling


WAEC Summary of 2019 WASSCE Government Paper Two (2)


(i) Formation of lakes by wind action

(ii) Benefits derived from sedimentary rocks

(iii) Characteristics of time zone and International Date Line

(iv) Ways of recording rainfall amounts using the rain gauge



Candidates had difficulties in the following areas:

(i) Map work.

(ii) The annotated cross profile.

(iii) Describing the relief and drainage of the mapped area.

(iv) Technique for drawing proportional circles.

(v) Calculation of longitude.

(vi) Description of rain gauge with the support of diagrams.


See also: WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Elective Mathematics And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023


(i) Candidates should practice a guided map reading exercises

(ii) Practice the skill of drawing annotated cross profile

(iii) The techniques of drawing proportional circles

(iv) The knowledge of calculating longitudes

(v) Teachers should cover enough of the syllabus which must include topics in Biogeography, Geomorphology, Climatology, Statistics and Map Interpretation.


It is the hope of our team that candidates will perform better when teachers and candidates go through this summary of strengths, WASSCE candidates’ weaknesses in Government and remedies and apply same

Source: waecgh.org

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