New Allowance Initiated For Higher Ranked G.E.S Staff

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New Allowance Initiated For Higher Ranked G.E.S Staff

Imagine a new allowance for all Ghana Education Service staff at this time of hyper inflation that is consuming the purchasing power of workers. The Ghana Education Service staff are part of the government workers who are not enjoying lots of allowances in the country, Ghana. The situation which was the case before the onset of the Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS) found its way into the new salary structure in place now, the SSSS. The lack of allowances for teachers was compounded when even the allowances before the SSSS were consolidated into basic salary for the G.E.S staff.

The situation of no allowance changed a bit when the Continuous Professional Development Allowance was initiated for the Ghana Education Service staff. Though the general G.E.S staff continue to demand more, the employer also continues to drag its feet.

Interestingly, there is a new revelation that the directors of the Ghana Education Service have started enjoying a new allowance. Clearly, the general staff are not enjoying the new allowance because it does not apply to them. It is not surprising that the general staff are not even aware of the new allowance the directors are enjoying.

The revelation

In a revelation by a Ghanaian personality, who accurately disclosed the inside information about the promotion date set for this month of February (see also: Inside Rumour | 2023 G.E.S Promotion Exam Date), directors of the Ghana Education Service are now enjoying a new allowance on his Facebook page.

He captures the revelation in a very sarcastic form below: “The secret to survival as teachers is to love and protect each other. Directors are enjoying new allowances. Yours is unknown to nature”

See also: How To Take 4 Different GNAT Loans At A Time

It is yet to be known when any government official or even union leaders will publicly disclose the details of the new allowance.

It may be the hope of the ordinary Ghana Education Service staff, higher ranked staff and/or union leaders will not be selfish in their negotiation for allowances

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