Nationwide power outage: ECG blames GRIDCo with press release | GRIDCo responded

Nationwide power outageNationwide power outage

Nationwide power outage: ECG blames GRIDCo with press release | GRIDCo responded

Nationwide power outage occurred today Thursday 8th September 2023 around 7pm. The main suppliers of electricity in the country have decided to tell their side of their stories.


The contents of the press releases by both ECG and GRIDCo are disclosed below. You can also download the Electricity Company of Ghana press release here and the GRIDCo press release


ECG press release

Power Outage: Friday, 8th September 2023

The Electricity Company Of Ghana wishes to inform the general public especially our cherished customers, that the outage being experienced, is as a result of a technical challenge emanating from GRIDCo.


ECG wishes to assure affected customers that immediately the technical challenge is rectified, power supply will be restored.


ECG regrets the inconvenience caused to our affected customers.


GRIDCo’s press release: Accra, September 8, 2023


The Ghana Grid Company Ltd., (GRIDCO), the “Operator” of the National Interconnected Transmission System (NITS) informs the public that a system disturbance occurred at 19:03GMT affecting parts of the country.


Restoration commenced immediately and three quarters of customers received supply as of 21:00 GMT. Power restoration efforts continue as generation is restored.


GRIDCO apologises for the inconvenience caused and appreciates your patience as we continue to restore power to all affected customers.


Signed: Corporate Communications Section Ghana Grid Company, GRIDCO


See also: ECG Provides Reasons For 2 Weeks Dumsor And Timetable 

Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCO) was incorporated in December 2006 to carry out the economic dispatching and transmission of electricity from facilities of wholesale suppliers (Independent Power Producers [IPPS] to bulk customers and distribution utilities in Ghana and West Africa. GRIDCO operates the National Interconnected Transmission System (NITS). The Utilities from eleven (11) Wholesale Suppliers, including the Volta River Authority (VRA).

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