Have you noticed being tagged on Facebook posts with items like money ritual or general scam schemes or unnecessary things and seem helpless what to do?
Being added to fraudulent groups on Whatsapp and telegram without your knowledge is a common phenomenon these days. The best option after being added is to exit. However, the fraudster may still have access to your phone numbers that are displayed on exit from the WhatsApp group. Social media companies are aware of such abuses and therefore created room to suit everyone’s settings. In built settings on various social media to prevent being added to such pages and to avoid being tagged with fraudulent or unnecessary/irrelevant posts is illustrated below.
1. Preventing unnecessary tags on Facebook: The process on Facebook is simple.
a) Log on to your personal Facebook wall or home page (that is from the icons on the top of your Facebook page, make sure the house đ icon is highlighted)
b) At the top right corner of the home page/wall, locate and press the ‘3 short lines’. A drop down menu (list of options) will appear.
c) Locate and press ‘settings’ from the list. Another drop down menu (list of options) would appear.
d) Locate and press ‘profile and tagging’ under a bolder subheading called ‘Audience and Visibility’
e) On the next page, which is the last page, you will have options to make some changes, including an option which allows you to approve/ decline every tagging done by anybody.
2. Preventing being added to WhatsApp groups without your knowledge: To have control over who adds you to their WhatsApp group
a) open your WhatsApp
b) at the top right corner of the opened whatsapp, locate and press the ‘three dots’ for a drop down menu (list of options)
c) locate and press ‘settings’ for another drop down menu (list of options)
d) locate and press ‘account’ for the list of options again
e) locate and press ‘privacy’ for the list of options including
f) locate and press ‘groups’ to decide who can add you to any WhatsApp group.
g) remember to press ‘done’ to validate the changes
3. Preventing being added to a telegram group without your knowledge: The process to prevent people on Telegram from adding you without your consent is
a) Open your telegram
b) at the top left corner of your telegram contact area, locate and press ‘three short lines’ to display a list of options
c) locate and press ‘settings’ for another list of options
d) locate and press ‘privacy and security’ to display the last list of options
e) locate and press ‘group’ to have access to decide who can add you to any telegram group
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