Dear DG, Wassa Amenfi East Education Office is charging Ghc1500 for transfers?

Wassa Amenfi East District in Western RegionWassa Amenfi East District in Western Region

Dear DG, Wassa Amenfi East Education Office is charging Ghc1500 for transfers?

Dear Director General of GES, is it true Wassa Amenfi East Education Office is charging Ghc1,500 before processing transfer documents?


Well, in case you are not aware, this is the grapevine allegations that will definitely need your attention.


Wassa Amenfi East teachers who are seeking transfer are allegedly under duress to pay the Ghc1500 otherwise they must forget the transfer from or to the district.


The Human Resource Manager, who is somewhat in charge of collecting the money denied the allegation when he was called.


However, the suffering teachers who are alleging that the district demands the money to process say otherwise.


It might, therefore, be necessary that your office initiate an inquiry, independently, into all the transfer processes in the district.



This is because the allegations create a bad image for the Ghana Education Service among the public which would not have access to any fact to dispel such grapevine information.
Also, teachers may not accept posting to the district because they would be afraid of exit ‘fees/ bribes’.


Our side of the story

The Wassa Amenfi East District Education Office: 

Using the phone numbers, we got from some of the teachers who claimed to have paid, we called and sent a WhatsApp message to enquire from the Human Resource Manager in the District. He, however, denied the allegations.


But the teachers feel strongly that the HRM is rather lying. Who is right then?


The Wassa Amenfi East District teachers

The teachers are rather afraid to complain to the appropriate quarters due to the usual fear. Victimization.


Dear Director General, our outfit, therefore, considers the report an allegation, since the affected teacher could not report to the official channels.


However, our outfit deemed it fit to bring to your attention, to investigate and correct any anomaly, if any to prevent the negative consequences that these allegations have on the image of the service.


Though the teachers, both those who paid and yet to pay, claimed they have some shreds of evidence. They have been asked to gather more shreds of evidence.

Directors Snub GES Director-General | Power Play Quadrangle

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