Whistle-blower Exposed G.E.S Boss Allegedly Overstaying At Post Secretly After Retirement [The man to be given extra responsibility]

Whistle-blower Exposed G.E.S Boss Allegedly Overstaying At Post Secretly After Retirement [The man to be given extra responsibility]

News coming in from the Parliamentary Select Committee on Education has indicated that a whistle-blower has petitioned the Parliamentary Select Committee on Education and other state Institutions over claims that the acting head of Complementary Education, formerly known as Non-formal Education, is allegedly overstaying at post though he has passed his compulsory retirement age under bizarre explanation and the man yet to be given extra responsibility.

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The acting head of Complementary Education, Francis Asumadu, reportedly has all his vital Identity Cards (Voter, SSNIT, NIA, Passport and Driver license cards) bearing his date of birth as 3rd July 1962, which qualify him to retire this Year 2022.

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In a bizarre explanation, it is alleged that Mr. Asumadu claims he has not received any letter from the Controller and Accountant General Department (CAGD) that he is due for retirement this year. Mr. Asumadu, however, is using a new date of birth as 3rd July, 1963.

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In a related development disclosed by Honourables Clement Apaak, who received one of the petitions from the whistle-blower, said that Mr. Asumadu Francis is penciled to be named the head of the Complementary Education at the Ghana Education Service headquarters in the coming weeks. It is also disclosed that the whistle-blower has also petitioned CHRAG over the same allegations.

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