WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Textile And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023

WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Textile And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023

Teachers preparing students for any examination are always worried about the potential weaknesses in answers that their students will provide during the examination. Fortunately, the main examining body, the West Africa Examination Council always provide WASSCE candidates’ weaknesses in Textile during the last held examinations.


WAEC Summary of 2021 WASSCE Textile Paper Two (2)


The Chief Examiner applauded candidates for their ability to:

  • give reasons for using texture in textile designing;
  • state the importance of fibre identification;
  • define Textiles, give reasons for studying it as a subject and list careers in the textiles industry;
  • state the significance of the traditional fabrics. Namely, Adinkra, Kuntunkuni and Kente.



The Chief Examiner noticed the following weaknesses in the candidates scripts:

  • most of the candidates explained texture instead of texturing as expected of them;
  • most of the candidates gave poor description of the behaviour of linen, silk and nylon during a burning test;
  • candidates were not able to state a limitation of the burning test;
  • most of the candidates could not identify the main difference between a woven striped fabric and a woven check fabric;
  • most candidate showed weaker understanding of the block printing technique;
  • some candidates gave poor description of the traditional fabrics.



(a) Candidates should develop the habit of reading and pay attention to spelling of words as they read.

(b) Weaving as a major topic in the syllabus should be tackled with the seriousness it deserves.

(c) Teachers should perform simple tests for fibres with candidates, to help them gain better understanding of the topic.

(d) Class assignments are to be used to identify students’ weaknesses and remedy them

(e) Teachers are advised and encouraged to guide students on how to answer examination questions


WAEC Summary of 2020 WASSCE Textile Paper Two (2)


(1) Most candidates understood the rubrics and were correctly interpreted as expected. This made evident in the good marks scored by some.

(2) Some candidates provided reasonable responses as demanded.

(3) The few candidates who showed a fairly good control of the subject conveyed their thoughts vividly, providing good answers.

(4) Handwriting of most candidates were legible.



(1) Some candidates lacked clarity in their expressions due to their inability to express themselves in English Language.

(2) A few candidates could not correctly spell terms associated with the subject. Terms such as fibre/fiber, calendar/calender. Were wrongly spelt.

(3) Candidates’ weakness in basic sketching still persists.

(4) Some candidates answered all the six questions instead of the required four.

(5) Others also refused to write the question numbers in the pages of the answer booklets.



(1) A humble appeal is being made for the teaching of both theory and practicals to be intensified.

(2) The following areas of the syllabus should be tackled with seriousness:

(a) Weaving and its related topics such as the use of appropriate tools and materials;

(b) Fibre and fabric processing;

(c) Basic drawing and idea development.

(3) Heads of schools should endeavour to provide adequate materials and tools for regular practical exercises.

(4) Teachers must give candidates enough orientation on how to answer questions.


WAEC Summary of 2019 WASSCE Textile Paper Two (2)


(i) Candidates performed better in the general questions, for example in question 6, candidates applied the knowledge acquired in General Knowledge in Art which also deal with entrepreneurship to answer the question.

(ii) Drawing of tools/accessories/parts is gradually improving, though there is still more room for further action.

(iii) A sizable number of candidates adhered to the rubrics of the paper and should be commended for that.



(i) Some candidates attempted less questions than what was demanded. Others answered more than expected not adhering to the rubrics.

(ii) Some candidates’ inability to draw simple tools and equipment need further action.

(iii) Whereas the question demanded the drawing and function of a heddle hook, candidates drew reedhook and stated the functions of heddle hook instead.

(iv) Some candidates answered more than a question on the same pages of the answer booklets. Others failed to write the correct question number in the space provided.

(v) The question of fibre morphology received low patronage and weak responses.


See also: WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Information & Communication Technology (Elective) And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023


(i) Candidates should learn how to read and adhere to instructions from their mock examinations.

(ii) Class assignments are to be used to identify students’ weaknesses and remedy them.

(iii) Teachers are also advised and encouraged to guide students on how to answer examination questions.

(iv) Subject teachers must intensify the teaching of basic drawing. More practical work is recommended.

(v) Teachers should perform simple tests for fibres with candidates to help them gain better understanding of the topic


It is the hope of our team that candidates will perform better when teachers and candidates go through this summary of strengths, WASECE candidates’ weaknesses in Textile and remedies and apply same

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