WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Technical Drawing And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023

WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Technical Drawing And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023

Teachers preparing students for any examination are always worried about the potential weaknesses in answers that their students will provide during the examination. Fortunately, the main examining body, the West Africa Examination Council always provide WASSCE candidates’ weaknesses in Technical Drawing during the last held examinations.


WAEC Summary of 2021 WASSCE Technical Drawing Paper Two (2)


(a) Most candidates used the correct grade of pencils; the outlines were clearly different from the construction lines.

(b) The hatch lines had the correct spacing.

(c ) The procedures for producing true shapes were done accurately by few candidates.

(d) Few candidates produced the given lamina correctly. The construction for the centroid was perfect.

(e) Their line work and neatness were commendable.



(a) Pencil works by few candidates were deplorable. The work became very dirty.

(b) Few candidates could not visualize and did not understand the auxiliary views. They did not follow the 300lines for projection for the auxiliary view.

(c) Some of the vertical and horizontal projectors were not accurate and sometimes very difficult to differentiate from outlines.

(d) The construction of the locus was poor. Candidates did not follow the correct procedure for producing the locus.

(e) Some candidates did not divide the lamina accurately. The overall work was poor. There was poor construction of the horizontal and vertical diagonals.

(f) Spaces for the Bow’s imitation were neglected thus candidates could not obtain the current procedure to locate the centroids.

(g) Few had the construction correct but did not state and measure the values.



(a) The grade of pencils to be used for drawing must be stressed and candidates were not to use BB pencils for their work.

(b) Candidates’ revision must not be centred on final year work but should involve the three years work.

(c) Candidates are advised to practice more work on centroids and simply supported beams.

(d) Candidates’ should be advised to work on scale conversions and become familiar with using the conversion for drawings


See also: WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Woodwork And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023

WAEC Summary of 2020 WASSCE Technical Drawing Paper Two (2)


(1) The conversion of orthographic projection to isometric projection was good.

(2) Candidates adhered to the correct conventional representations e.g., centre lines, hatching of cut surfaces.

(3) Placing of views at their correct positions.

(4) There was improvement in the types of pencils used. Majority of the candidates did not use BB pencils for outlines. This need to be the case.

(5) Candidates’ line works were neat and perfect. Less double outlines and outlines were clearly identified from construction lines.



(1) Candidates did not adhere to the rubrics.

(2) A few candidates continued to use the BB type pencils for their drawings and sliding the T-Square or Set Squares on their worked sheets made them very dirty.

(3) Candidates should digest each question very well for them to get the constructional procedures before attempting the question.

(4) Candidates used different units e.g. m or mm attached to the drawings, thus their work sometimes became very large or very small.



(1) Teachers should insist on correct use of pencils for all drawings.

(2) Furthermore, candidates should read all questions into details and get the understanding before attempting each question.

(3) Teachers should conduct regular tests and let students construct most of the geometrical works constantly.

(4) Candidates should be taught how to convert one basic unit into another.


WAEC Summary of 2021 WASSCE Technical Drawing Paper Three (3)


(a) Majority of the candidates’ adhered to the rubrics in answering the questions.

(b) Most of the candidates used required scale and the drawing equipment to produce good drawings.

(c) With good knowledge in orthographic projection candidates could position views correctly, and draw pictorial views.

(d) Labelling of views and stating facilities on building plans.



(a) Candidates did not have adequate knowledge of workshop tools; they could not sketch mortise gauge or simple fastener, such as countersunk rivet.

(b) Candidates sketching skills was generally weak, as the sketches lacked proportion, or were done with the aid of rules, set-squares, etc, contrary to the rubric.

(c) Candidates’ knowledge on hatching/sectioning of cut portions of components was weak as in mechanical.

(d) The drawing of conventions for building parts in a section view, such as earth filling, concrete slab, floor screed, lintel, doors, roof members, etc were wrongly done.

(e) Lines such as centre line, cutting plane, ridge, beams, etc, were not drawn in most cases.

(f) Pencil work was generally poor.



(b) Freehand sketching techniques, with the use of pencils only, should be taught in class, and enough exercises given.

(c) Visits to industrial sites and workshops can be organized for students in addition to good charts, to expose them to common tools.

(c) Candidates should learn drawing standards, symbols and conventions from BS 308A and BS1192, or good books, in order to apply them when drawing.

(d) Correct hatching/sectioning must be taught.


WAEC Summary of 2020 WASSCE Technical Drawing Paper Three (3)


(1) Candidates had a good knowledge in the principles of orthographic projection and sectioning.

(2) Majority of the candidates had very good line work.

(3) Candidates drew to scale and had accurate assembled blocks.



(1) The candidates lacked skills of freehand sketching, most of the candidates used drawing aids such as rules, set squares, pair of compasses etc.

(2) Candidates have problem with illustration to show different types of lines used in Technical Drawing. E.g., centre lines, construction lines, outlines etc.

(3) Layout of various components of the drawing especially in both building and mechanical were haphazardly done.

(4) Candidates could not draw a bolster.



(1) Candidates should be given a lot of assignments and be prepared to work on their own using technical drawing books on mechanical and building drawings.

(2) The British Standard specifications on engineering and building drawings of various components should be encouraged and strictly adhered to.

(3) Candidates need to use these conventions appropriately e.g., hardcore, earth filling, concrete, finished floor etc.

(4) Teachers should teach using demonstrations and improvised teaching and learning aids.

(5) Teachers should make extra teaching hours to complete the syllabus.


It is the hope of our team that candidates will perform better when teachers and candidates go through this summary of strengths, WASECE candidates’ weaknesses in Technical Drawing and remedies and apply same

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