WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Sculpture And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023

WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Sculpture And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023

Teachers preparing students for any examination are always worried about the potential weaknesses in answers that their students will provide during the examination. Fortunately, the main examining body, the West Africa Examination Council always provide WASSCE candidates’ weaknesses in Sculpture during the last held examinations.


WAEC Summary of 2021 WASSCE Sculpture Paper Two (2)


The Chief Examiner lauded candidates for their ability to:

  • demonstrated good understanding of the characteristics of metals and the methods of joining them;
  • describe the usefulness of the business card to the sculptor;
  • state the importance of decoration and finishing;
  • demonstrate mastery in the mixing of plaster as question 3 (b) demanded.



The Chief Examiner observed the following weaknesses in candidates scripts:

  • Some candidates could not state how patina, replica, roughing out, alloy and wood seasoning are obtained or formed;
  • Most candidates deviated from indentifying the basic types of metals and rather listing names of metals;
  • Largely, candidates could not explain finishing as a technique in Sculpture;
  • Most candidates stated characteristics of plaster but did not explain them as required by the question.



(a) Candidates should be made to understand the need to follow exams rubrics.

(b) Candidates should be taken through the rudiments of answering questions especially starting a new question on fresh page and writing the corresponding question number.

(c) Candidates should improve on their writing skills.

(d) Candidates are advised not to rush in answering the questions. They should take their time to assess the demands of each question before they answer.

(e) Candidates should be taught how to answer questions. For example, words such as;

‘describe” and ‘outline’ which are used to construct items should be explained to candidates.


WAEC Summary of 2020 WASSCE Sculpture Paper Two (2)


(1) Generally, most candidates demonstrated very good understanding of the questions and answered them well.

(2) Some candidates wrote legibly and neatly which facilitated reading and scoring.

(3) A sizable number of candidates demonstrated good drawing skills of the tools which is commendable.



(1) Most answers that needed explanation or description were either listed or stated by some candidates.

(2) Some candidates wrote in the margins that have been reserved for scoring and also answered more than one question on a page.

(3) Some candidates answered more questions, instead of the stipulated four, whilst others also failed to number questions they answered.

(4) A few candidates also forgot to write same question numbers where parts of the answers were continued on a different page.

(5) Some candidates could not draw some tools correctly.

(6) Some of the candidates also failed to cancel the rough work done on pages in the answer booklet.



(1) Candidates should be taught how to answer questions. For example, words such as;

‘describe” and ‘explain’ which are used to construct items should be explained to candidates.

(2) Candidates should be made to understand the need to follow examination regulations.

(3) Candidates should be taken through the rudiments of answering questions especially starting a new question on fresh page and writing the corresponding question number.

(4) Teachers should lay emphasis on drawing of tools and equipment.

(5) Candidates are advised not to rush in answering the questions. They should take their time to assess the demands of each question before they answer.


WAEC Summary of 2019 WASSCE Sculpture Paper Two (2)


Commendable features and improvement noted in candidates’ answers which should be encouraged were that:

(i) Some candidates provided simple and straightforward answers which were commendable.

(ii) Most candidates made appropriate illustrations to buttress their points.

(iii) There were good displays of knowledge in the subject matter by the candidates’ in their answers.

(iv) Points raised by several of the candidates were itemized, so each point therefore stood as distinct from another.



(i) Answers provided by some candidates did not fit into the context. Some few candidates could not express themselves vividly to attract marks. In some cases, the answers provided were not clear and understandable.

(ii) There were lots of spelling errors.

(iii) Few candidates failed to write the question numbers.

(iv) Few candidates answered more than the four questions required.


See also: WASSCE Candidates’ Weaknesses In Textile And Remedies | Extract From Chief Examiners Report Towards WASSCE 2023


(i) Candidates are to study the questions carefully, to know the demands/requirements before they begin to write or answer them. This will eliminate the use of irrelevant materials in the answers.

(ii) Students are expected to read and study not only the theory, but how to apply the practical lessons in an examination. For instance, candidates should know the steps involved in making an ‘artists’ portfolio, question four (4) and block printing, question six (6).

(iii) Assignments should be marked and discussed with the students to help correct their mistakes in spelling, expression, presentation of material and other concepts in the subject.

(iv) Teachers should explain picture making terms that come out, during practical lessons to students.

(v) Candidates’ are advised to always write the question numbers in the spaces provided.

(vi) Candidates should take note of the four questions required to be answered.


It is the hope of our team that candidates will perform better when teachers and candidates go through this summary of strengths, WASECE candidates’ weaknesses in Sculpture and remedies and apply same

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