Thomas Musah Disclosed Status Of 2023 Base Pay Negotiations On 3rd January 2023 Between Government And TUC [Next meeting date, percentages etc]

Thomas Musah Disclosed Status Of 2023 Base Pay Negotiations On 3rd January 2023 Between Government And TUC [Next meeting date, percentages etc]

1. It is no longer a secret about the status of the base pay negotiations between the government and the labour unions represented by the Trade Union Congress (TUC).

2. Most workers have been left in the dark regarding the possible percentage increase in salaries for public sector workers at the beginning of the implementing year 2023.

3. Despite the various speculations, the General Secretary of the Ghana National Association of Teachers, Mr. Thomas Musah has left out vital information about the status of the base pay negotiations

4. The General Secretary of the largest public sector workers, in a response to questions on Joy News’ AM show, stated that the government and labour unions are yet to meet again after their scheduled meeting that could not come off because key stakeholders like parliamentarians have equally have important task to be in parliament to support parts of their budget that was about to be rejected by the minority

5. Mr. Thomas Musah also disclosed that the government and the labour unions are still entrenched in their expected rate of increase in the salary of public sector workers, at 18% and 58% respectively.

See also: Teachers In Tuobodom S.H.S Issued Directive To Forfeit December Salary For Not Preparing Lesson Notes 

6. Interestingly, the General Secretary of the largest public sector workers said there is currently no scheduled date for a continuation of the negotiations.

7. He also mentioned that anytime there is a meeting, the labour unions will listen to any offer the government presents for consideration or rejection.

8. Observing the current status of the 2023 salary negotiation, our team at presents our expectations of what January 2023 salary will look like here Outlook For January 2023 Salary After COLA Ends In December And No Agreed Salary Increase For 2023 By Middle of January

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