Salaries of Over 1628 Workers Can Not Be Validated This December In Ghana [Are you among them? List attached]

Salaries of Over 1628 Workers Can Not Be Validated This December In Ghana [Are you among them? List attached]

1. Troubles do not come. Troubles fall is a popular adage.

2. This month of December, which is one of the months where expenditures are high, is seeing scores of workers who are paid through Controller and Accountant General Department (CAGD) having issue with their validation.

3. Though the available list here is that of the Volta Region, it is said other regions have similar issues.

See also: Effect of Current Salary Negotiation Status On Personal Loans In January/ February 2023

4. According to a list circulating on workers’ platforms in Volta Region, with supporting description of staff who could not be validated by 4pm on 15th December, over 1,600 workers from various sectors of the labour force are yet to be validated.

5. The reasons for their inability to be validated are yet to be known. However, validators from such workplaces confirm the ongoing difficulty in validating the staff.

See also: 3 Reasons The Economy Put Everyone’s Life On Hold For Years Ahead [Get prepared for it]

6. Government of Ghana staff from other regions should be on the look out for such a list and will be updated when found

7. To review the list of Volta Region with 1,628 affected staff, Join G.E.S DOCUMENTS & FILES on Telegram which is a database for all authentic raw documents and where news publications are NOT posted

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