Saboba Constituency Completely Cut off From Yendi After Rains Dug Deep And Wide Gulley In The Road Linking The Two Constituencies [Watch short 30sec video here]

Saboba Constituency Completely Cut off From Yendi After Rains Dug Deep And Wide Gulley In The Road Linking The Two Constituencies [Watch short 30sec video here]


1. Vehicles can not access the Yendi-Saboba road unless there is a bridge constructed at the affected portion after the rains completely chop-off that portion, to create a huge stream within the road.

2. Also, the Wapuli section of the road, which was completely submerged in water, denying motorists access to the roads, also has about two/third if the section chop-off after the levels of the water reduced.

See also: Financial Loss To The State On Juapong – Adidome Road

3. In the meantime, WAEC officials can not convey ongoing examination papers by car from Yendi to candidates in Saboba.

4. In the medium term, market women, traders and farm producers in the area will suffer various consequences.


5. Medical emergencies could become fetal if these roads are not fixed immediately.

See also: Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa Gave Out A Minimum Of Ghc500.00 To Farmers In His Constituency Without Discrimination. [Some farmers benefited extra]

6. The assemblyman for one of the two electoral areas where the incident occurred (Kpalba and Wapuli areas), Emmanuel M. Beninbe, is very worried and wants any stakeholder to quickly help resolve the issue as early as possible.

7.. The government, District Assembly, NGOs and other development partners are being pleaded with by the communities affected to quickly step in to save the situation and safeguard the welfare of the populace and avoid any potential decline in economic activities of the area.

8. Attached is a short video

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