President Akufo-Addo’s Daughter Made Call Beside Him During National Anthem | Watch video

President Akufo-Addo’s Daughter Made Call Beside Him During National Anthem | Watch video

His Excellency President Akufo-Addo’s daughter made call while everyone observed the National Anthem. Akufo-Addo’s daughter made call for a significant number of minutes.


However, the president did not show any gesture of his disapproval of the daughter’s action. The President observed the National Anthem holistically as he usually does.


See also: Brave NSS Personnel Wrote To Akufo-Addo

The president’s body guards and other security officers saluted and also observed the National Anthem as their routine.


The president’s daughter did not only pick the calls while in an attention position. She was also seen moving herself while on the phone.



The president publicly reprimanded a traditional chief at a ceremony for refusing to stand up to observe the Ghana National Anthem. Apart from visibly expressing his dissatisfaction with the chief’s action to two ministers who were closely seated by him, the president also ordered one of the ministers to impress upon the chief.


The president engaged in action during the national tree planting ceremony.


However, the chief explained later that he was not physically fit or strong to stand up during the national anthem. And that he was taking medication.


The chief took the opportunity to apologize to the president and the general public.


The president’s daughter episode

Johnny Hugh’s, a media personality, leaked a video today, Monday, 17th July 2023 that exposed the president’s daughter in a similar situation while beside the president.


Akufo-Addo’s daughter made call for some minutes while everybody observe the national anthem.


Public opinions when Akufo-Addo’s daughter made call during national anthem

The president was not seen to have reacted to his daughter’s action. Though the president’s daughter could equally have a genuine reason to pick up the calls, people are asking whether the president has confirmed an “Animal Farm” style of leadership that people accused him of.


Watch the videos of the president’s daughter on phone during national anthem

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