NAGRAT Bundle Updates


NAGRAT Bundle Updates

NAGRAT bundle is an internet data bundle that the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) provides to its members. The NAGRAT bundle is very cheap data compared to the market price of internet data in the country.


The NAGRAT data cost twenty-seven Ghana cedis (Ghc27) and fifty-four Ghana cedis (Ghc54) for ten gigabytes (10GB) and twenty gigabytes (20GB) respectively.


Current status as 28th July 2023

Currently, the NAGRAT bundle has been suspended. This means that both members and non-members of NAGRAT can not access or buy the internet bundle.


According to the managers of the bundle, the bundle package is suspended temporarily.


The reason for the suspension has to do with how non-members of the union can patronize the package.


Especially so when unscrupulous people were selling teachers’ staff IDs to people who are not even teachers.

The managers have therefore suspended the package to devise better ways of rolling out the package to prevent unscrupulous people from patronizing the package.


See also: NAGRAT paid to convey TMI laptops to teachers

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