How To Calculate Your Intervention Amount Before Its Shared | 11 regional intervention list updated so far

How To Calculate Your Intervention Amount Before Its Shared | 11 regional intervention list updated so far

The Director General of the Ghana Education Service has informed various Senior High Schools and Senior High Technical Schools that an academic intervention allowance has been disbursed to the service for distribution to the schools. However, the schools must submit the list of amount each staff will receive to the Director General before the amount is sent to the schools. Even though management of schools are required to set up committees for the sharing of the amount among staff, individual teachers may wish to know the amount they will receive before the school’s committees finish their work. This can serve as a way to safeguard the amount due to each teacher. Below is how to calculate your intervention amount before its shared

The formula every school is required to use are

a. Day schools: 5% to management, 75% to teaching staff and 20% to non-teaching staff

b. Boarding schools: 5% to management, 70% to teaching staff and 25% to non-teaching staff

How to calculate your individual amounts:

A. Note the total amount allocated to your school. For this calculation, we are assuming Ghc20,000

B. For day schools

1. a. Amount for management = 5% x Total amount to school

Management amount = 0.05 x Ghc20,000 = *Ghc1,000*

b. Amount for individual management members = management amount ÷ number of members

Amount for individual management members = Ghc1000 ÷ management members

2. a. Amount for teaching staff = 70% x Total amount to school

Teaching staff amount = 0.7 x Ghc20,000 = *Ghc14,000*

b. Amount for individual teaching staff = teaching staff amount ÷ number of teaching staff

Amount for individual teachers = Ghc14,000 ÷ number of teachers

3. a. Amount for non-teaching staff = 25% x Total amount to school

Non-teaching staff amount = 0.25 x Ghc20,000

Non-teaching staff amount = *Ghc5,000*

b. Amount for individual non-teaching staff = Non-teaching staff amount ÷ number of non-teaching staff

Amount for individual non-teaching staff = Ghc5,000 ÷ number of non-teaching

See also: How To Calculate Number Of Blocks For A House

C. For boarding schools

1. a. Amount for management = 5% x Total amount to school

Management amount = 0.05 x Ghc20,000 = *Ghc1,000*

b. Amount for individual management members = management amount ÷ number of members

Amount for individual management members = Ghc1000 ÷ management members

2. a. Amount for teaching staff = 75% x Total amount to school

Teaching staff amount = 0.75 x Ghc20,000 = *Ghc15,000*

b. Amount for individual teaching staff = teaching staff amount ÷ number of teaching staff

Amount for individual teachers = Ghc15,000 ÷ number of teachers

3. a. Amount for non-teaching staff = 20% x Total amount to school

Non-teaching staff amount = 0.2 x Ghc20,000

Non-teaching staff amount = *Ghc4,000*

b. Amount for individual non-teaching staff = Non-teaching staff amount ÷ number of non-teaching staff

Amount for individual non-teaching staff = Ghc4,000 ÷ number of non-teaching

Eleven (11) of the regional intervention list has been updated on our social media platforms. We will update all the 16 regional list on the platforms. Join us to to access your regional list

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