Ankobra Catholic Basic School Presents Assorted Gift To Aged And Disabled In Ankobra Community

Ankobra Catholic Basic School Presents Assorted Gift To Aged And Disabled In Ankobra Community

AS part of Catholic week celebration, ankobra catholic basic school in the esiama circuit in the ellembelle district of the western region has presented all kinds of gifts to aged, disables and people with protracted illness at their various homes, praying for and encouraged them to have faith in God, According to the teachers, with God all things are possible. During the presentation on Thursday 23rd February 2023, the teachers and some students walking through the principal streets of ankobra community to present the said items at their various homes. The items include: different kinds of fruits, assorted soaps, and other washing items.

The authorities of the school led by miss Ishmaelina Amissah the headmistress said, this is not the first time the said gesture has been done, she has been doing it since she took over from her predecessor Mr Efom Nyamekeh.

She took the opportunity to appeal to all and sundry to assist the school with borehole, furniture and computers

Since 1974, national catholic schools week is the annual celebration of Catholic education globally, In Ghana, it was started and has been observed by “national catholic educational association” to celebrate the excellence and impact of Catholic schools.

Theme for this year’s national catholic schools week is ” CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: FAITH. EXCELLENCE. SERVICE

Beneficiaries were happy and expressed their heartfelt appreciation to the school authorities for the gesture

See also: All Ellembelle Retiree Teachers Honored | Cash and more

Prior to the presentation of the items on Thursday, clean up exercise, route march and “Ash Wednesday service” conducted on Monday ,Tuesday and Wednesday respectfully.

inter-class quiz competition and other extra curricular activities took place on Thursday and Friday

On Sunday, according to the program line up will be thanks giving service,all the students, teachers and parents will attend Roman Catholic church to give thanks to God


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