All Ellembelle Retiree Teachers Honored | Cash and more

All Ellembelle Retiree Teachers Honored | Cash and more

The Ellembelle district education directorate has awarded all Ellembelle retiree teachers who went on retirement in 2022 across the various circuits in the district.

All the twenty – three awardee teachers received five hundred Ghana cedis (¢500.00), citation and package each.

The maiden edition of the program dubbed “Honoring our heros, a shared responsibility” took place on Thursday 23rd February 2023 at Nkroful Agriculture senior high school in the western region.

speaking at the gathering, Nana Akye Blay Vll, chief of Menzezor appealed to the district assembly to embrace the program and support subsequently. He also advised women who came to the program with their retiree husbands that ” it is time for them to prepare delicious meal for their spouse” so that they stay healthy

For his part, Mr peter Aka blay the former district education director of the area expressed his profound gratitude to the directorate for widening the program to cover all retiree teachers, according to him, he started it with officers in the directorate before he exited. He entreated the awardees to manage their health and resources very well.

A renowned Educationist, Mr Owusu Ansah Dapaah who represents the chief of Esiama, Nana Ainoo Kwagyan and the chairman of the occasion welcomed the retirees and invited guests with a brief address. He expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the directorate for a splendid initiative. He took the opportunity to appeal to the assembly and the directorate to establish Islamic school at Esiama, He said the visionary chief of Esiama is ever ready to welcome the said school

Former director of education, Mr Alhaji Sophiano advised teachers who are in the active service to start planning for their future in the early stage, according to him, teachers who didn’t plan for their future earlier end up lonely and disappointed, some could not even travel to their hometown after retirement due to lack of proper planning of their future

In her speech, the headmistress of Esiama Secondary technical school urged former teachers to balance their intake and also get closer to God if any of them had not seen God. She appealed to them to share their experiences gained in their former career with the younger ones to capitalize on it to Excel.

On behalf of Hon Kwasi Bonzo, district chief executive of Ellembelle, Mr Francis Apeni Thanked the directorate for such a wonderful initiative and welcomed a call to support the program in the coming years. He supported the program with an amount of two thousand Ghana cedis (¢2,000.00)

Speaking to the media after the program, Mr Wilfred Katey Adodoadji, director of education in the area said the brain behind the program was to motivate retiree teachers during and after his tenure of office. He revealed that when teachers are going on retirement no one acknowledge their good works and that, according to him make teachers feel disappointed and pessimistic in the profession, he was optimistic the move will encourage active teachers in the service

See also: Over 110 Teachers Demoted | GNAT President Disclosed


Mr Katey expressed satisfaction with the Ellembelle district assembly for Embracing the initiative by promising to support it in the subsequent years

He thanked Hon Armah Kofi Buah Member of parliament and Hon Kwasi Bonzo district chief executive of the area for supporting them with an amount of three thousand Ghana cedis (¢3,000.00) and two thousand Ghana cedis (¢2,000.00) respectively

He also Thanked lower Pra rural bank and teachers who pulled their own resources to support the program with an amount of fourteen thousand Ghana cedis (14,000.00)
and other contributors as well.


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