11th January 2023 Base Pay Negotiation Update.

11th January 2023 Base Pay Negotiation Update. GPAA Briefed Members

Ghana Physicians Assistant Association (GPAA) which was duly invited and had a representative at the negotiations for the 2023 salary increase provides formal briefing to it’s members. The memo captured the heading of the briefing as 2023 base pay negotiation update. Below is the details of the official memo:

Memo details

Meeting commenced around 2:30pm with an opening prayer as usual

Recap of yesterday’s meeting was done and meeting continued.

At today’s meeting, Government team still proposed 20% but was rejected by Organized Labour.

Subsequently, the Government team went into a long caucus meeting and later called leadership of Organized Labour for a compromise in order to ensure that the agreed Base Pay rate can be incorporated into the January salary of workers by CAGD by Friday, 13th January, 2023.

Government later proposed 25% Base Pay for 2023 which was still rejected by organized labour.

Meeting came to a close at 6:15pm

The GPAA General Secretary, Peter Eyram Kuenyefu, was the GPAA representative at the negotiations table and the National PR lead Aminu A. Mohammed provided the base pay negotiations update for 11th January 2023

The government of Ghana has been engaging organized labour to conclude the 2023 salary increment since November 2023. The government, which seemed to be in haste to conclude negotiations, first called for the negotiations one week to the presentation of the 2023 national budget.

The negotiations were not able to achieve any result at the time of the budget presentation. This situation causes well-meaning people to ask which percentage increment was used to prepare the budget.

See also: 2023 Base Pay Negotiations On 10th Jan.

Just before the Christmas break, as well, the government called another round of negotiations to conclude the earlier attempts but we’re halted due to unavailability of the government’s team members who are parliamentarians. The parliamentarians equally had a huge task of preventing the rejection of parts of the budget.

Until now, both the government and labour had entrenched positions of 18% and 58% salary respectively.

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