How To Exit SIC GES Insurance Policy Easily


How To Exit SIC GES Insurance Policy Easily

How to exit SIC GES insurance Policy: The SIC GES Insurance policy is a group insurance policy for staff of the Ghana Education Service. The policy was designed by the State Insurance Company (SIC) in partnership with the Ghana Education Service.
The policy is considered as a nuisance by staff of the Ghana Education Service. The policy is considered as a nuisance because most staff of the Ghana Education Service believe there was no adequate consultation before staff of the Ghana Education Service were enrolled.

Reasons for contempt against the policy

Almost all staff of the Ghana Education Service became aware of the policy when the State Insurance Company (SIC) started deducting policy premiums from the salaries of all teachers. Teachers consider the action a disrespect to teachers.
Nobody signed any policy document indicating their readiness or commitment to the policy. Another major issue that was raised is the fact that teachers did not have the opportunity to indicate their next of kin or beneficiaries of the policy. Life insurance policies are only claimed when the policy holder is incapacitated. Therefore, the question most members who were forcibly enrolled in the policy, are asking is who will claim their benefits in the unfortunate event that a policy holder dies or the policy holder becomes permanently disabled.
Another issue teachers raised was the benefits that the policy provides. This is because there are other life insurance policies in the market that teachers can compare to make their personal decision with respect to which policy to enroll in. To compound the issue, there is no deliberate action to advertise or disseminate information on the benefits of this insurance policy.
Policy holders of insurance usually complain about the terms and conditions of insurance policies. Some of the policies that policy holders complain about are known only when there is an event. In an attempt to claim insurance benefits, insurance companies highlight certain terms that could deny the beneficiary from accessing the insurance benefits. Interestingly, the underwriter of this policy does not engage in any visible active sensitisation to educate members about the terms and conditions of the policy. This phenomenon causes staff of the Ghana Education Service who are enrolled without their permission to attempt to exit the policy.

How to exit the SIC policy

There are two main ways to exit the SIC life insurance policy for staff of the Ghana Education Service. The two main ways to exit the policy can be applied concurrently. The two ways to exit the policy are
1. Visit any office of the state insurance company to fill out exit forms
2. Write officially to the regulator to complain
1. Visit any office of the state insurance company to fill out exit forms. There are offices of the state insurance company (SIC) in almost every regional capital in Ghana. They have offices even in some major towns which are not regional capitals. The first point of call in an attempt to exit the policy is to visit any office of the state insurance company to fill out exit forms. You can get the exit forms in any of the offices of SIC. However, there are instances where a form may not be available in a particular office for you to fill in. You can also print out the exit form on the website of SIC in a situation where there is no exit form at a particular office of SIC.
2. Write officially to the regulator to complain: It is a fact that insurance companies do not easily allow their policy holders to exit a policy. It must be for obvious reasons for any business not to let any of its customers go easily. It is therefore possible that the state insurance company may not easily terminate the policy of a Ghana Education Service staff member who wants to exit the policy.
In such a case, the policy holder can therefore write to the regulator of the insurance companies in Ghana. The regulator of insurance companies in Ghana is the National Insurance Commission. The policy holder can therefore write to the National Insurance Commission to raise a concern that the State Insurance Company (GES) refuses to terminate the policy despite your intention to do so. And after filling out exit forms.
What next
It has been observed that the GES group life insurance policy usually gets terminated as early as possible after writing to the regulator of insurance in Ghana. The results can be considered as evidence of an efficient regulator which is ready to protect the customers.

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