How A Former Head of Department Was Surcharged After A Year Over Responsibility Allowance By Audit Team After His Transfer. [Teachers And Goverment Workers Beware]

      How A Former Head of Department Was Surcharged After A Year Over Responsibility Allowance By Audit Team After His Transfer. [Teachers And Goverment Workers Beware]


      Enjoying an extra responsibility allowance at a government workplace in Ghana could become an albatross around the employee’ neck after transfer.

      Below is the personal experience of a Head of Department (HoD) who was enjoying an extra responsibility allowance at his former workplace before taking a transfer.

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      According to the narration by the said staff of Ghana Education Service who took a transfer to a new school, he continued to enjoy an extra responsibility allowance though he was not assigned any extra responsibility at the new station.

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      The former head of department in a senior high school was transferred to the new school where he was not given any immediate extra responsibility.

      The issue of surcharges came to the fore when an audit team visited his school for a snap head count exercise. The former HoD was asked to submit a letter supporting his extra responsibility allowance at his new post, which he was unable to provide. Though he was able to submit a letter from his former school, the audit team would not accept or recognize such a letter.

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      An agreement had to be reached between the former HoD and the audit team for him to pay all unearned monies in installments to avoid any further consequences.

      It is also disclosed that the audit wanted the former HoD to pay all the unearned monies in one-off payment, which he was unable to do and thus preferred a compromised position of installment payments.

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