Why won’t your birthday fall on Father’s Day, CiC.
The last man standing for Ghana and the Ghanaian youth.
Commander in Chief. The commander of the Economic Fighters League, EFL.
A commander without guns but feared causing a change in Ghana’s politics. The message must be scared of.
The eye opener of Ghanaian youth. Their destinies are evenly shared with an even number.
The message must not be told. The reason all fighters are different in society and their corner.
The visionary who believes in and continues to work with a grand message, #fixthecountry, aiming to correct the root cause of the injustice in the country, a new constitution for Ghana.
The strategy of your able leadership is very simple but very efficient. Even if we manage to propel one MP to parliament without the EFL attempting the presidential election.
Imagine if it were the EFL holding just one independence candidate seat in parliament currently, the executive would have no choice than to accept a new constitution using the E-levy.
Celebrating your birthday on Father’s Day can only be your divine confirmation as the father of the economically suppressed.
The father of the youth who must pay huge connection fees for jobs and recruitment that they never get, while state security institutions seem not to locate the cartels.
The father of Ghana’s youth who are helpless.
We celebrate you on this day. Happy father’s day and happy, happy birthday day.
Vincent Agbenyo, Adidome cell
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