Government And IMF Already Decided Salary Percentage Increase

Government And IMF Already Decided Salary Percentage Increase

Teaser: Government under an IMF program will definitely have a maximum limit for both the overall revenue and overall expenditure estimates to guide individual estimates of each budget expenditure line.


1. Government of Ghana, for whatever reason decided to call labour unions for the negotiations of 2023 salary increase for public sector workers in less than a week to the presentation of the annual budget of the country in parliament

2. The question well-meaning citizens are asking is what are the motivation for government to wait that long before calling for the negotiations in less than a week to the budget presentation

3. Interesting enough, in less than 48 hours to the budget presentation, an agreement on the percentage increase is yet to be reached.

4. In must be noted that a budget involves an adjustment of all parts of the expenditure lines to fit into the overall revenue and overall expenditure and this can not be done in less than 24 hours since it took a lot of stakeholders to arrive at any existing estimates.

5. It would need similar level of stakeholders to vary the budget estimates unless such stakeholders had already used an assumed figure to simulate the budget

6. It is based on this that it can be concluded that, government under the watch of IMF had already used an assumed maximum percentage increase in salary to prepare the budget that is to be presented in parliament in less than 48 hours without any idea of the percentage increase in salary and at best, such an agreement to be reached less than 24hours to the budget presentation

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7. The supposed ongoing negotiations for the salary increase may as well be considered a sham

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