GNAT President, Isaac Owusu Angry With Teachers’ Attitude Towards The Strike

GNAT President, Isaac Owusu Angry With Teachers’ Attitude Towards The Strike

Teaser 1: Teachers want a type of leader, they got it but do not want to support him. What else do they want?

Teaser 2: GNAT is a sleeping giant and now woken up by team of leaders


1. It is fact that the type of cooperation between GNAT and the other teachers unions has been absent for a long time until now

2. The current crop of national leaders of GNAT could be considered very cooperative since it was mostly GNAT which was absent at the table of any joint action by teacher unions in the past

3. Why then would teachers not support any action they take in the interest of the profession?

4. GNAT President, Rev. Isaac Owusu, was visibly angry with both teachers and even the reporter who asked him how effective the strike action is when teachers are not heeding to the call. Below is the banter

5. After the failed second negotiation meeting to resolve issues concerning the current strike action, a reporter from TV3 asked the GNAT president how effective the strike action is and whether the strike action is achieving its purpose

6. Rev. Owusu whose facial expressions changed, reminiscent of anger, and changed notation, reminiscent of shock, and anger replied with rather kind words reminiscent of a diplomatic reply equally his inner feelings

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7. Rev. Owusu retorted if the strike action is not effective, why are government officials doing here (the meeting) and while leaders (government officials) who are responsible are here trying to solve a problem you mean the strike is not effective

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