Foods That Improve kidney Health

Foods That Improve kidney Health

The kidneys are two powerful bean-shaped organs that play an important role in your overall health, ranging from balancing fluids in the body, filtering waste, producing urine, releasing hormones that regulate blood pressure, controlling the production of red blood cells, removing drugs from the body and many more. Know the foods that improve kidney health to keep your kidneys healthy.

Smoking, genetics, obesity,age , gender all have effects on your kidneys and can damage the kidneys. High blood sugar and high blood pressure are the common risk factors for kidney damage.

The kidneys are filled with tiny blood vessels that help to filter the waste and excess fluid from the blood and remove them from the body. Uncontrolled high blood sugar and uncontrolled high blood pressure cause damage to the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys. This causes damage to the kidneys and reduces their ability to function well.

When the kidneys are not working properly, waste builds up in the body, including waste products from the food you want to eat.

Most people with kidney disease don’t experience any signs or symptoms until the condition is advanced. Check your diet and avoid this lethal disease.

Knowing foods that improves kidney health is necessary since nutrition plays an important role in your kidney health. Eating nuts,fruits, vegetables, fish, goes a long way to improve your kidney health.

Some foods that improve kidney health are

1. Whole unprocessed foods

2. Dark leafy greens

3. Cranberries

4. Cauliflower

See also:This Urinary Tract Infection Can Damage Your Kidney. Learn To Control And Prevent It Now.

5. Broccoli

6. Cabbage

7. Apples

8. Olive oil

9. Bell pepper

10. Blueberries

11. Garlic

12. Onion

13. Tomatoes

14. Nuts

15. Whole grains

16. Seeds

17. Egg white

Limit salt intake, processed foods, cholesterol, fatty meats , and alcohol consumption to keep your kidneys healthy.

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