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History Behind My Fear Of Current Validation Issue

History Behind My Fear Of Current Validation Issue Once upon a time!! Not so long ago, at Damongo Senior High School in Damongo in the Savannah Region of Ghana. During…

How Long, To Get GNAT Loan, To Qualify/Apply

GNAT Loan | How Long To Get /Qualify/Apply How long to get GNAT loan or to qualify or to apply for GNAT loan? The Teachers Fund, established by the Ghana…

interest On GNAT Loan Vs CCT Loan Vs ATAG Loan

Interest On GNAT Loan Versus CCT Loan Versus ATAG Loan | 2023 Taking loans is more or less a necessity that people can do without. Most worker unions in Ghana…

How To Read ECG Meter In Ghana | 2023

How To Read ECG Meter In Ghana | 2023 Electricity bill payment is one of the conflicting points for people sharing the same electricity meter. To compound the situation is…

New ECG Bill Calculation | Tenants To  Fight

New ECG Bill Calculation | Tenants To Fight The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) is the company responsible for distributing electricity in the country, Ghana. Upon recent tariff hikes, with…

How To Calculate 2023 Salary Increment

How To Calculate 2023 Salary Increment The government and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) of Ghana, which comprise various labour unions in the country, have been negotiating since November 2022…

30% Salary Increment Terms | 1.7%? COLA

Details of 30% Salary Increment Terms Of Agreement Explained | 1.7%? COLA Factor The government of Ghana and the Trade Union Congress have finally agreed on a percentage salary increase…

25% Base Pay Now Or Later | Government

Get Paid 25% Base Pay Increment Now Or Later, Government’s Team The government’s team of negotiators came in hand to today’s meeting with a previous figure of a 20% salary…

Leaders Blackmailed For 25% Salary Increment

Government Blackmailing Leaders To Accept 25% Salary Increment The government’s team of negotiators came in hand to today’s meeting with a previous figure of a 20% salary increase for workers,…

2023 Salary Increase Won’t Be Paid In January

4 Reasons 2023 Salary Increase Won’t Take Effect In January Our team, which is vested in governance issues in the country, has been keenly following issues regarding the 2023 salary…