Basic 5 Teacher, Sir Don Francis, Setting Up A Library For His Class/School Using The Power Of The Internet.

Basic 5 Teacher, Sir Don Francis, Setting Up A Library For His Class/School Using The Power Of The Internet.


1. Sir Don Francis, a teacher at Afransi SDA Primary School in the Gomoa Central District of Central Region, makes a difference in his learners’ lives with the help of the internet.

2. While others are complaining about the lack of books in schools, Sir Don Francis is busy amassing books to set up a library for his learners.

See also: G.E.S Notice Of Registration For This Year’s Nationwide Examimation Of Basic Schools. [National Standardized Test NST]

Below is the latest testament from Sir Don after receiving his latest consignment of books.

“I received a call from the Swedru Municipal Post Office yesterday. “You have items here. Please come for it”. It was raining so hard so I couldn’t make it.

Today, I was there. The attendant asked me “what have you always been receiving?” I smiled.

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He pointed to those three big boxes. I couldn’t wait to get closer. Behold, it was written “From BookNook Book Store”.

Nana Awere Damoah has done it again beyond expectations. My room is currently the new library. He has given me all sorts of books, including his own authored books and books autographed for him.

When I was a child, if I had just a dime of the opportunity these kids are getting…. God knows.

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Saying I’ve been happy is an understatement. Yesterday, a cross section of my learners came to school and recounted the stories they read at home. I felt fulfilled.

For now, I’m here to tell you we’re building a library soon. God bless you Nana.”

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