Top 10 Lessons learned From the Book – The Happiness Advantage

Top 10 Lessons learned From the Book – The Happiness Advantage

The book titled the Happiness Advantage was written by Shawn Achor. The book elaborate happiness as the amplifier of all aspects of lifestyle.

1. Happiness is the cause of good health, not the result

🙂The Happiness Advantage teaches us that by being happy, we will statistically take less sick days, and be better at fighting viruses like the flu.

2. Happiness amplifies our ability to learn

🧠Positive emotions that come from happiness allow us to get the best chemicals known to humankind such as dopamine and serotonin, which make us feel awesome.

3. Meditation rewires the brains happiness levels

đŸ§˜đŸ»â€â™€ïžThe easiest form of meditation is to close your eyes, breathe in and out, and concentrate on your stomach going up and down.
By doing this for 5 minutes a day it’s shown to increase your happiness.

4. Break up your day with a short burst of time outdoors

👉why would you not want to go outside anyway? It’s a great way to escape your paradigm and get a fresh look at your day. It could be the inspiration you need to make the next significant change in your life.

5. Turn tedious moments into your own objective

🎯Turning negative or boring events into empowering stories is how a growth mindset can help you win at life.

6. 1. Develop a growth mindset

📈A growth mindset is the understanding that all of us have very different skills , and interests
You can have the best job in the world, but if you can’t find the meaning in it, you won’t enjoy it, whether you are a movie maker or an NFL playmaker

7. Interrupt the pattern

❗The way we see the word around us has a lot to do with the wiring of the brain. Our brain can be wired to produce negative outcomes if we unconsciously practice negative patterns.

See also: Top 9 lesson learned from book – You’re Too Good to Feel This Bad

8. Journal or blog to create happiness

đŸ’»A tool for increasing your happiness is to journal or blog on a weekly basis. Your writing must contain references to positive thoughts or events and should focus on things you’re grateful for.

9. Lower the activation energy

✅Every task you attempt to complete requires a certain amount of energy to activate it.
Likewise, increase the activation energy on tasks such as waking up early to an alarm clock going off.

10. Bring on the drugs (the positive ones)

➕The best drug you can give yourself is a hit of oxytocin. What you probably didn’t know until now is that when you make positive social connections the hormone oxytocin is released into your body.

Credit: Mr. Pawan

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