How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain Through Play: Lesson 6

Play six (6): Sounds game for kids under nine (9) months


Kids can not be sat down to teach them. The only way to have access to children under nine (9) months is to be a child yourself. You must be ready to act like a child through play to impact or engage them meaningfully. Plays involving sounds even need more creativity to maintain the attention of the child, since it mostly does not involve any physical activity. Sharpening the brain of a child is about using whatever developmental achievement the child attained to obtain even higher achievement. In this case, most children under nine (9) months can author some simple words like dada and mama that can be used to sharpen the child’s brain. Some adults can have problems with repetitive sounds, like ‘papalapa or madamapa’.

Sounds game

Sounds game relates to using a kid’s mastered word to tease his or her brain. Mastered words like mama, papa, dada, wewe, pupu, popi, water or ta, food or ah-um can be used to tease and train the brain of a child under nine (9) months about what he or she has to wait and learn later. The child’s brain teasing is in the form of combining two or three sounds in a repetitive or irregular manner. The goal of sharpening a child’s brain is to help the child learn something ahead of his age, even if it is only a month earlier. Children will learn whatever society is supposed to teach them, but a parent or caregiver making a conscious effort to help the child acquire a certain mastery ahead of his or her age will be an added advantage. The reasons being that children are always on the look out for new tasks after mastery or getting used to a particular play. It is for this reason that helping a child get used to an activity earlier makes the child search for even tougher tasks ahead of her peers. Lessons to learn from this play are

a. Rhythm

b. Differences and similarities

c. Tongue training

d) Speech therapy

a. Rhythm

Children will come face to face with rhythm in pre-school. Helping a child under nine (9) months to absorb a rhythm lesson into his or her subconscious will be an advantage.

b. Differences and similarities

Initially, a child may not identify any difference in the short sounds mixed together. He or she will believe it is just a play. The caregiver must also play the game, as a mere game, and enjoy it and not a rote class lesson. However, with time, the child will identify when a short sound is repetitive (dadadadadadadadada or wewewewe) and when multiple short sounds are mixed together (damadamadama). The single repetitive sounds are best used when the child is in need to use such sounds. For instance, ‘wewe’ to indicate ‘to urinate’ or dada/mama when the father or mother returns home. A child who has matured in the play can even argue with the adult player when he or she tries to tease the child’s brain. For instance, mentioning ‘mada’ during the game can be corrected by the child as ‘mama’ to prove a point.

c. Tongue training

Even adults can bite their tongue trying to pronounce a word or during eating. A child will need a firm rotating tongue to start speaking. One way parents and caregivers can influence tongue development and training is by introducing repetitive sounds at a faster rate than normal within a day over weeks or months.

d. Speech therapy

A child should speak. However, how early they start speaking can be a headache for parents, especially first-time parents. Speech is all about combining sounds. Engaging a child to play with sounds could help the child acquire and use sounds earlier. A child who acquires sounds early is deemed outstanding in pre-school.

One important thing about these play lessons is that they make a child conscious and aware mentally of his or her regular activities or activities yet to be regular. This conscious awareness of his or her activity is one thing that can improve a child’s memory and recollection. Otherwise, the activities would be a normal process in an unconscious manner until the child reaches the age that would permit him or her to be aware. This phenomenon is the reason there is a need to consciously help the child to be aware of every stage, no matter how early or late. This is a play that can bond the parent or caregiver with the child emotionally when played under loving and fun conditions. Children need attention. And this play provides that opportunity for both care-giver and children. As indicated in other plays, children should not be forced to participate in the plays when the show signs of disinterest. It is for this reason parents and caregivers must be conversant with any play lesson to initiate out of any of the child’s current activities.

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