History Behind My Fear Of Current Validation Issue

History Behind My Fear Of Current Validation Issue

Once upon a time!! Not so long ago, at Damongo Senior High School in Damongo in the Savannah Region of Ghana. During the tenure of Chief Harrison as the headmaster, there was a situation where scores of teachers were not validated because their names did not appear for validation. The outcome is the reason I fear this current validation issue.

The eventual fear occurred. All the affected teachers could not receive their salaries for that month. The number was more than 20 teachers. As usual, hopes were high and all other administrative processes were followed by the school to make sure the teachers received their salaries in the coming months.

Behold, the month of May arrived, which was the following month. The affected staff receive their salaries except six (6) of them. Yawa don gas!!! Also, as usual, the few teachers were virtually left on their own to solve the issue. Maybe the school has already done their administrative job, so what else could they do? After months, four of the remaining teachers receive their unpaid salary. Until now, I did not know whether the remaining two teachers had received that salary after more than five years.

Issues or problems relating to validation are a dreaded occasion for many. This is because the end result is very unpredictable and could cause a lot of inconveniences.

See also: 2nd Validation | Issues Repeat. 30%? Missing Staff

The complicated aspect is the process to solve whatever issue affecting a staff. To put it in a bigger perspective, payroll issues, which have an elaborate process of solving, could be mysterious depending on the district and personel you are dealing with. To the extent that there are adverts for payment to be made before even a person’s phone number can be changed on the platform.

Author: Former teacher of DASS

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