Causes And Management Of Heartburns

Causes And Management Of Heartburns

The digestive tract begins from the mouth, down to the stomach, then to the small intestines for digestion and to the large intestine for absorption and then excretion.We sometimes feel a burning sensation on our chest after eating, this is known as heartburns.Learn about the causes and management of Heartburns.

Once food is chewed and swallowed, it is pushed by muscular waves down the oesophagus and through a sphincter (or muscle ring) into the stomach.

Sometimes, even in healthy individuals, the contents of the stomach squeeze up through the sphincter and back into the oesophagus.

This is called reflux also known as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, indigestion or heartburn and  this feel like a burning sensation behind the breastbone.

Heartburn is very uncomfortable to have it frequently

Causes of Heartburn

Heartburns is caused by stomach content backing up into the oesophagus.

Occasional heartburn can be caused by:

1.Eating a large meal

2. Eating spicy food

3. Engaging in a physical activity like bending or lifting after eating a large meal

4. Too much coffee or alcohol

5. Anxiety, which can make the stomach ‘churn’

6. Advanced pregnancy, when the womb pushes up against the stomach.

Signs and Symptoms of Heartburns

1. Abdominal discomfort (aching) above the umbilicus.

You normally have pains in the epigastric region ( The hole just beneath your chest wall, in between your abdomen and chest wall.

2. Belching. Belching frequently to the extent that the food you are regurgitate back in to your mouth.

3. Bloating

4. Flatulence which becomes worse when you eat food containing a lot of gas such as egg, beans, cabbage

See also: Various Foods That Worsen Stomach Ulcer [Nurses Diaries]

5. A feeling of fullness

6. Nausea and/or vomiting

Treatment for heartburn

1. Food inside the stomach is only kept there by the force of gravity, so don’t lie down after a big meal.

2. Usually, taking an antacid and waiting is all the treatment needed for heartburn in healthy people.

3. General healthier lifestyle will have wider health benefits. Recommendations should include:

1. Move to a lower fat diet

2. Reduce alcohol intake

3. Stop smoking

4. Decrease weight

5. Reduce caffeine intake

Heartburn is common in overweight people

Persistent heartburn can be caused by obesity.

The extra fat inside the abdominal wall reduces the amount of room for the stomach and small intestines

Any extra pressure on the stomach, such as stooping, forces the stomach contents up into the oesophagus.

Weight loss is a good way to reduce the symptoms.

How to know your heartburn is serious, hence you need to see a doctor

1. Having heartburns everyday

2. Chest pains or pressure

3. Difficulty swallowing

4. Hiccups

5. Nausea and vomiting

Complications Of Persistent Heartburns

Persistent Heartburns can cause serious complications that is why you need to know about the causes and management of Heartburns

1. Oesophagitis: Inflammation of the tissues of the oesophagus.

2. Oesophageal stricture: Narrowing of the oesophageal wall

3. Barrett’s esophagus





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