How To Verify NTC Accredited Service Providers Before Signing Up For CPD Points Course [Their accreditation can expire anytime]

How To Verify NTC Accredited Service Providers Before Signing Up For CPD Points Course [Their accreditation can expire anytime]

1. The National Teaching Council (NTC) in an attempt to prevent the chaotic organization of various Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points courses, have accredited various service providers to be solely responsible for the organization of workshops.

2. Even though there is an accreditation system in place by the National Teaching Council (CPD), there is definitely a tendency of interested parties to try to maneuvre the accreditation system.

3. In an event an unaccredited service provider manages to organize a workshop for unsuspecting teachers, it would be the teachers who will suffer the consequences the more through the nullification of such workshops and no points given

4. Also, loss of money and time are equally very important resources that will be lost for nothing.

5. In order to prevent loss of funds and the inconvenience of time without any points, teachers must always verify whether an advertised service provider is actually accredited by the the National Teaching Council (NTC)

See also: Organizers of Free CPD/ NTC Points [Fourth source]

6. In order to verify whether a service provider is accredited, teachers must

a. Visit the official website of the National Teaching Council here

b. Scroll through the homepage of the NTC website to locate “CPD Service Providers”

c. There are a two arrow buttons pointing in both left and right directions (<>) just below the heading “CPD Service Providers”.

d. Continuously click on the arrows in either direction to locate whether an advertised service provider is an NTC accredited service provider.

7. Always check for the accreditation if service providers for CPD points before signing up for any course from service providers since the accreditation if service providers can expire anytime

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