Why Teachers Must Retire As A GNAT Member

Ghana Education Service News TodayGhana Education Service News Today

Currently, there are about five (5) teacher unions in Ghana. However, teachers must ask themselves which of these institutions they must stay in at the time of their retirement. It is in every teacher’s interest to retire as a GNAT member due to the following benefits of which some will be enjoyed in retirement. Download Telegram (it’s just like whatsapp) to join ALL GNAT MEMBERS on One Telegram Platform with over 11,400 members

Firstly, GNAT gives a rebate of about two thousand five hundred Ghana cedis (GHC2,500.00) to all its retiring members. This amount, though meagre, is more than one month’s salary of most teachers and could easily be used to transport retiring members to wherever they plan to settle in retirement. The benefit and importance of this Ghc2,500.00 can not be over emphasized, especially when pension benefits could take a little longer to receive.

Secondly, retirees of GNAT stand the chance to benefit from most cancer diagnoses and treatment, as was speculated prior to the approval of the resolution that increased GNAT cancer dues from two ghana cedis (Ghc2.00) to five ghana cedis (Ghc5.00) at the GNAT National Delegates Congress in January and the deduction of the Ghc5.00 effected on members’ salary.

It is a well known fact that people’s medical bills increase at old age and take a large chunk of their income in pension. Cancer related diseases which are very expensive is one such old age diseases. Therefore, having an institution that takes care of such bills without extra financial commitment would prove to be very beneficial and saving life.

See also: All GNAT Members Invited To Join One Telegram Platform

It is for these two main opportunities, of receiving Ghc2,500.00 at the point of retirement from GNAT and benefiting from a cancer fund during retirement, that belonging to GNAT as a teachers’ union will be the best decision to make.

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