Big tilapia, in whatever meal it is prepared, is supposed to be enjoyed by everyone, according to the fans of tilapia meal. However, the residents of the northern regions of Ghana would prefer seasoned guinea fowl to tilapia, especially the southern brothers visiting the northern enclave, who did not have the privilege of eating guinea fowl meats from childhood. King David bar/spot, which is a popular and favorite spot/bar with a road junction named after it, King David junction, located around the Kanvile suburb of Tamale and along Tamale-Bolgatanga road enroute Josonayila road, has the most desired meal, guinea fowl, any hour of the day. So, the reason people will chastise another person for not preferring tilapia meals to another meat/fish, even if it is not guinea fowl meat, the king’s meat, is the source of another tilapia myth.
The myth of suggesting everyone must like a particular job, fation, or the following point of view.
There are good jobs and bad jobs by whatever description. However, who determines what is good and what is bad for another person? Levels of salaries can be a universal determinant of a good job, but the weight placed on other factors of the job can equally outweigh the levels of salaries. Faithful partners or family partners in a marriage may prefer taking a significantly less salary job to stay within a radius around his or her partner instead of traveling to a far distance for a higher salary job without being able to see the partner often. Few people will consider marriage that allows the partners to see each other once within two years or even less.
Fation in this case has to do with any lifestyle choice. There are people who earn the same salary and have all affordability factors similar but will have different choices to make regarding the type of things they spend on, from clothes, vehicles, houses etc. The fact is that people’s preferences can not be the same, but people with a superiority complex or just people who are just ignorant about choices will always have a reason to frown on others’ choices. Individuals need to have confidence in their choices to be stable in such circumstances.
The number of children to have as couples could be subjected to the serious opinions of others. Opinions that will not practically contribute to the upbringing of the suggested number of children. It is said he who buys the piper calls the tune. It is therefore the prerogative of the individual to decide the number of children he or she can be responsible for.
The location where to own a house or land can easily be influenced by the opinion of others especially when family and friends have their strong negative perception about where the individual wants to settle. There should be other very good reasons to decide to settle at any location than just the preferred location of family and friends, especially when such people do not present any convincing factors based on the individual’s own ideals or expectations etc. Such a property would eventually become a liability if the reasons for the choice of locations are not based on the individual’s own factors.
Next time, while you enjoy your tilapia, allow others to enjoy their other meals.
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