Mobile Money Quick-Loan To Be Recovered With These 3 Simple Measures. Get Prepared To Pay
1. Most debtors to mobile money quick loan are hoping blocking sim cards due to non-registration of the sims will make them untraceable and the debt declared bad debt. However, such hopes will be short-lived with these two (2) simple measures.
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1. All other cards are linked to the Ghana card:
The fact is, all other cards which could be used to register for mobile money services in the past are already linked to Ghana. The SSNIT card, NHIS, Voter ID, Driver’s license and Passport, which were needed to register for mobile money services are all linked to the Ghana card, which is the sole card needed to register old and new sims. The implication is that previous mobile money account users can easily be linked to their new accounts, since the primary means of identifying customers is their ID cards and not the mobile number
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2. All ID cards required to register for mobile money services in the past were biometric-based.
It must also be noted that the cards used to register mobile money services in the past were done using biometric features or thumbprints. In the event that a customer denies being the original owner of a mobile money account that is in debt, the person’s biometric or thumbprints can easily be cross-matched between the new Ghana card biometrics and the biometrics of the old card that was used to register such a mobile money account.
Though mobile money agents are supposed to take pictures of a mobile money account applicant holding their ID cards for the camera, it is also revealed that some people were able to register their mobile money account using other people’s ID cards. In such an event where someone used another person’s ID to register their mobile money account, that would be a case to thrash out between the mobile money service provider and such an agent, who would likely be an accomplice in the identity fraud.
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It is therefore, the case that a mobile money service provider will decide to forgive mobile money quick-loan debtors not because mobile money service providers can not trace such debtors, but for any other reason.
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