How A Divorced Lady Due To Drunkenness Got Baptised In The Morning And Returned Later With Her Two Sisters, To Also Baptise On The Same Day Despite Pastors Reluctance For Inadequate Teaching

How A Divorced Lady Due To Drunkenness Got Baptised In The Morning And Returned Later With Her Two Sisters, To Also Baptise On The Same Day Despite Pastors Reluctance For Inadequate Teaching

Brief Report

Topic: Evangelistic Efforts
Venue: Tsakpo (Adidome District)
Preacher: Mawutor Paul-Horvey
Theme: I will go

The Mafi Kumase church in the Adidome district conducted a mini campaign in one of its villages with Pr Mawutor Horvey as the speaker. The efforts yielded 7 baptisms and 4 more who have joined, who insist that they have had a baptism by immersion and as the policy allows have been added to the new converts.

Two interesting stories must be told

1. The woman with a folded arm made Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well come alive before our eyes.
She is a heavy drunk and was divorced because of it. She responded to the appeal on Thursday to give her life to Christ which was like a shock and a joke to almost her people. The following morning, she was the first person to come to our place for the baptism and at this time she was still heavily drunk that you could smell it around. We went to the river for the baptism and had a chat we her in the water, she was in tears all through and asking God to help her. I eventually baptized her. This is where the story takes a shift. In the afternoon she brought one of her elder sisters for baptism after she had gone to preach to her and told them how God has saved her and she is baptized. So I baptized the sister. In the evening when we were getting ready to go she brought her eldest sister for baptism, I told them it was late so we could do it the next morning, but they disagreed and insisted it must be done that day. They want it written that they all were converted and baptized the same day. So I went to baptize her that early evening. The husband called to find out if what he is hearing is true and that he needs pictures I confirmed and he was so glad. It’s now a major discussion in the town.

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The second story.

The EP church had organized a musical retreat for its members from different locations and one of the invited choirs was from Accra. The choirmaster that came with them started coming to the grounds and God’s glory responded to the appeal on the second Wednesday and was baptized. He has since returned to Accra and we gave him the pastor’s number to call for assistance

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We witnessed what Jesus meant when he said
Mark 16 [NIV]

[vs 15] He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

[vs 16] Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

[vs 17] And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;

[vs 18] they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

May God be honored always in our lives

Pr Mordecai Mawutor Kporku

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