GNAT Fun Games Ongoing On World Teachers Day In Atwima District

GNAT Fun Games Ongoing On World Teachers Day In Atwima District


1. It is all fun and healthy living to take some time off to just engage colleagues in a fun game.

2. It is a nice sight of GNAT ladies gearing up for the fun games with their men.

3. Food bazars are also on the sidelines.

4. Ashanti Regional chairman of GNAT, the engineer of MTN-GNAT data package, is also on the sidelines.

See also: A Suggestion To GNAT Headquarters And/or Mutual Fund To Open A Telegram Platform For All GNAT Members.

It is all fun for the GNAT members in Atwima District, engaging in a fun game at Toase Senior High School.

The game which is currently ongoing today, 5th October, 2022, is living up to expectations as advertised.

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The fun games, which has the Ashanti Regional GNAT chairman in attendance, have GNAT ladies in the district fully prepared to take on each other or even their men.

GNAT members who are still yet to arrive at the games and the general public are encouraged to come witness the games for themselves and sheer colleagues.

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