Ghana School of Law Entrance Exam Leaks [When your law school exam leaks, you can imagine the kind of GLC and justice citizens get]

Ghana School of Law Entrance Exam Leaks [When your law school exam leaks, you can imagine the kind of GLC and justice citizens get]


The major problem with selecting few out of many to enter the Ghana School of Law may have been many schemes including leakage of questions to the chosen ones.

Why must we shutter people’s careers, justice in the country, the ability of SMEs to engage professionals for partnership agreements, bloggers/whistle-blowers’ ability to access/hire lawyers to defend aggressors just because some old lawyers and judges think otherwise and the people’s representatives (parliament) seem hopeless?

As you read this, can you afford/access a lawyer for whatever issue. Land litigation, false accusation, victimisation at work place, set-up, divorce, partnership agreements, artiste/management contracts, criminal or civil cases and yet there is no urgency by both NPP and NDC to even make it political topic at the level of okada and free-SHS for citizens to vote on as if the profession is an occult society?

See also: Law Students And Ghanaians In Trouble. Rise Up Now, According To Kwaku Azar.

According to the #fixthecountry convener, Oliver Barker Vormewor, he has evidence of the law school entrance exam leakage many hours before the exam starts. Read his post on Facebook Below:

Public Service Announcement!

Today at 10am, the Entrance Exams of the Ghana School of Law will be written.

The exam papers leaked last night and it has come to my notice. I am releasing them publicly, so that the School will be forced to cancel it.

The General Legal Council is just as incompetent as the bench. Together they continue to disgrace the legal profession but you folks are refusing to bring them to heel!

Disband the GLC and Close Makola.


Click here to view the rest of the alleged leaked papers on Oliver’s page

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