G.E.S Promotion Examination Centers Out | Find out yours

G.E.S Promotion Examination Centers Out | Find out yours

The Ghana Education Service has given out the dates for this year’s promotion aptitude test. The dates were scheduled for 28th February and 1st March 2023. It is therefore important that candidates are pre-informed about their promotion examination centers.

The examination centers are mostly Colleges of Education (CoE) and other places that can house large numbers of people during an examination.

Currently, the examination centers for candidates are being released by the hosting institutions. Currently, our team is collating the list for the various centers. And we presently have in our possession the list for candidates who are supposed to write their examination at the Akatsi College of Education in the Volta Region. We are also searching for and on the look-out the list of candidates who are expected to write their examination at the other hosting institutions.

The list for candidates expected to write at the Akatsi College of Education is uploaded on our telegram platform and all other list for candidates expected to be written on all other campuses will be uploaded on the our telegram page as well. Interested parties are encouraged to join telegram to access the list whenever we find them. Click here to join the telegram platform for the list Click here to join the

Related developments

In a related development, the fate of the over 200 candidates who took the Ghana Education Service to court over their failure during last year’s promotion aptitude test is still not known, since the case is still pending in court. Since the announcement of the date for this year’s promotion exam, despite the injunction on the examination, there is no news on whether the candidates filed for a contempt of court case against the Ghana Education Service.

It is also surprising why the Ghana Education Service has conveniently used the court case as a basis to delay the exam last year but only to initiate processes to undertake the same action.

See also: G.E.S Release Official Promotion Exam Date

Also, index numbers for candidates are yet to be released to candidates. The letter that was released to announce the promotion exam date indicated that the index numbers for candidates will be released through the regional directorates to candidates.

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