First Base Pay Negotiations Meeting In 2023 Announced. Reps of 30 labour unions invited including 5 security services.

First Base Pay Negotiations Meeting In 2023 Announced. Reps of 30 labour unions invited including 5 security services.

1. The first base pay negotiations meeting in the year 2023 has been scheduled for Tuesday 10th 2023.

2. The meeting which will provide a clear insight into what January 2023 salaries will look like is scheduled at 2pm on the day.

3. The negotiations meeting invitation from the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) is dated today 6th January 2023.

4. The meeting invited 30 labour unions to present one representative each, including the Ghana Police Service.

5. The short invitation letter read:

The Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) respectively writes to invite representatives of the Government Team and the Labour Unions/ Associations (See attached list) to a meeting scheduled as follows:

See also: Outlook For January 2023 Salary After COLA If No Agreed Salary Increase For 2023 By Middle of January

Date: Tuesday 10th January 2023

Time: 2pm

Venue: Ministry of Health (Conference Room)

Agenda: Continuation of Base Pay Negotiations

6. The letter was signed by the CEO of the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission, Benjamin Arthur (ING)

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