BoG Exchange Rate Today 28th March 2023 | Daily trends

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BoG Exchange Rate Today 28th March 2023 | Daily trends

The BoG exchange rate today 28th March 2023 is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Monday 27th March 2023

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc11.0087
Selling = Ghc11.0197

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc13.5132
Selling = Ghc13.5278

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc11.8693
Selling = Ghc11.8790

The exchange rate today 28th March is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Monday 27th March 2023

See also: Interest On Loans To Increase Further As Bank of Ghana Increases Policy Rate Today

BoG Exchange Rate Today 15th March 2023

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc11.0081
Selling = Ghc11.0191

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc13.3902
Selling = Ghc13.4047

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc11.7986
Selling = Ghc11.8103

The exchange rate today 15th March is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Tuesday 14th March 2023

BoG Exchange Rate Today 9th March 2023 | Daily trends

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc11.0079
Selling = Ghc11.0189

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc13.0388
Selling = Ghc13.0530

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc11.6294
Selling = Ghc11.6389

The exchange rate today 9th March is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Wednesday 8th March 2023

BoG Exchange Rate Today 1st March 2023

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc11.0080
Selling = Ghc11.0190

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc13.3626
Selling = Ghc13.3771

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc11.7134
Selling = Ghc11.7230

The exchange rate today 1st March is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on 28th February 2023

Bank of Ghana Exchange Rate Today Monday 27th February 2023

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc11.0077
Selling = Ghc11.0187

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc13.1641
Selling = Ghc13.1795

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc11.6198
Selling = Ghc11.6313

The exchange rate today 27th February is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Friday 24th 2023

Bank of Ghana Exchange Rate Today Friday 3rd February 2023 | Daily trends

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc10.7938
Selling = Ghc10.8046

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc13.2364
Selling = Ghc13.2508

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc11.7877
Selling = Ghc11.7984

The exchange rate today 3rd February is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Thursday 2nd.

January trends

Bank of Ghana Exchange Rate Today Friday 20th January 2023

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc10.3509
Selling = Ghc10.3613

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc12.7958
Selling = Ghc12.8096

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc11.1959
Selling = Ghc11.2070

The exchange rate today 20th January is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Thursday 19th.

Bank of Ghana Exchange Rate Today Wednesday 18th January 2023

The Bank of Ghana exchange rate today Wednesday 18th January is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Tuesday 17th January 2023

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc10.3410
Selling = Ghc10.3514

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc12.6988
Selling = Ghc12.7136

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc11.2052
Selling = Ghc11.2162

The exchange rate today 18th January is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Tuesday 17th.

Bank of Ghana Exchange Rates Today Monday 16th January 2023
The Bank of Ghana exchange rates today 16th January is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Friday 13th January 2023

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc10.3305
Selling = Ghc10.3409

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc12.6115
Selling = Ghc12.6252

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc11.1864
Selling = Ghc11.1965

12th January Exchange Rates | Bank of Ghana

This is the average interbank exchange rates used by commercial banks as at the end of business working day on Wednesday, 11th January 2023

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc9.0252
Selling = Ghc9.0342

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc10.9611
Selling = Ghc10.9739

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc9.7181
Selling = Ghc9.7286

The average interbank rates used by commercial banks for transactions at the close of business Wednesday, 11th January 2023

Bank of Ghana Exchange Rates Today Tuesday 10th January 2023

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc9.0002
Selling = Ghc9.0092

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc10.8110
Selling = Ghc10.8237

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc9.5361
Selling = Ghc9.5455

The average interbank rates used by commercial banks for transactions at the close of business Friday, 6th January 2023

Bank of Ghana Exchange Rates As At Friday 6th January 2023

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc8.6067
Selling = Ghc8.6153

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc10.2334
Selling = Ghc10.2445

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc9.0633
Selling = Ghc9.0723

The average interbank rates used by commercial banks for transactions at the close of business Thursday 5th January 2023

Bank of Ghana Exchange Rates As At Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

USD = ($)
Buying = Ghc8.5717
Selling = Ghc8.5803

GBP = £
Buying = Ghc10.3058
Selling = Ghc10.3178

Euro = €
Buying = Ghc9.1412
Selling = Ghc9.1502

The average interbank rates used by commercial banks for transactions at the close of business Friday 30th December 2022.

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2. Facebook: thebankofghana

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