The Tilapia Myth: Episode 2
Episode two (2) teaser: Grilled Tilapia is more expensive than smoked or salted Tilapia. However, before the craze for grilled Tilapia, there was smoked Tilapia and salted Tilapia popularly called…
Why Husbands Must Live With Their Menopause Mothers Before Marriage
Husbands must spend their next annual work leave or vacation with their menopause mothers if they never did before marriage. With or without issues between love partners, husbands must have…
10 Jobs After Retirement To Prepare For Actively
10 Jobs After Retirement To Prepare For Actively Observe the body (physique) and health of anyone who recently retired at the accurate age of sixty (60) years. The observation should…
The Tilapia Myth: Episode 1
Episode 1 Teaser: As a teenager, the period when people went to parties or functions without an invite, Tilapia was not the favourite delicacy then until after the year 2010.…
4 Reasons Why Aged People Have Frown Face Or Ugly Face
4 Reasons Why Aged People Have Frown Face Or Ugly Face You may have wondered why aged people have frown face. Learn how to prevent having ugly or frowny faces…
How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain Through Play: Lesson 4
Play 4: False feeding for kids under seven (7) months Introduction False feeding play is one game that can connect the minds of the parents or caregivers with that of…
How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain Through Play: Lesson 3
Play 3: The mirror or reflection games for kids under five (5) months Introduction What do kids under five (5) months know? It has been established that human beings learn…
People Of Dorfor Tornu Ceased Sharing Drinking Water With Animals
The assembly man for the area was instrumental in a construction of mechanised borehole. The community is located in the North Tongu District of Volta Region. Stakeholders and the community…
How To Sharpen Your Child’s Brain: Lesson 2
Lesson 2: Newly Born Stage Introduction: Every parent wants their children to develop faster and better than themselves in all spheres of life, including but not limited to good morale,…
Financial Loss To The State On Juapong – Adidome Road
Construction of a road of about 47km is taking about eight (8) years to complete Transport fare on the route is about two and half (2.5) times what others pay…