ADI 2021 (Q21-30): Best Free G.E.S Promotion Class Online And Past Question Answers

Best Free Ghana Education Service Promotion Class Online And Past Question Answers: ADI 2021 (Q21-30)

I) Candidates are expected to spend 45 seconds on each questions. Candidates are therefore required to spend between 7-8minutes on these 10 questions. Start work now!!

21. Which of the following statements about multi-task, year-round calendar is correct? The calendar ….
A. Decrease the need for storage space
B. Is intended to decrease the functional capacity of a school
C. Is intended to increase the functional capacity of a school
D. Reduces staffing needs

22. In a typical teaching and learning environment, students are mostly likely to be intrinsically motivated to learn when they …
A. Anticipate that they will receive positive rewards for achieving instructional objectives
B. Are interested in what they are learning and understanding how it relates to their lives
C. Know that they will be writting a test or examination in the near future
D. Perceive that their performance compares favorably with that of their peer engaged in the same tasks

See also: ADI 2021 (Q11.20): Best Free G.E.S Promotion Class Online And Past Question Answers

23. Which of the following statements about school culture is correct?
A. A principal’s behaviour is the sole determinant of school culture
B. School culture consist of shared values and beliefs that tell educators how to address problems
C. School culture describes school’s mission
D. School culture describes the demographic compositions of a school

24. Which of the following statements accurately describes the process of reaching consensus?
A. Involves determining which faction’s position will prevail
B. Involve reaching a decision everyone can accept
C. Is another term for voting
D. Is the process of reaching an ideal decision

See also: ADI 2021 (Q1-10): Best Free G.E.S Promotion Class Online And Past Question Answers

25. Decisions about what to do to improve school entails higher levels of uncertainty, why?
A. Lots of time is spent on school improvement efforts
B. Future conditions can not be predicted accurately
C. Teachers are not interested in participating in school improvement efforts
D. The school head may be autocratic

26. Which philosophy is a cornerstone for continues school
A. Addresses the shared values and beliefs of the school
B. Describes the shared purpose of the school
C. Entails the strategies for reaching the preferred future
D. Is the shared preferred future of the school

See also: ADII 2020 (Q1-10): Best Free G.E.S Promotion Class Online And Past Question Answers

27. In an open school climate
A. All decisions are made by the PTA
B. Interaction among stakeholders are promoted
C. Parents do not partake in decision making
D. Principal interact only with teachers

28. A conflict matrix in relation to time tabling is designed to determine, which of the following courses that
A. Can not be scheduled at anytime
B. Can not be scheduled at the same time
C. Teachers are unwilling to teach
D. Teacher can not teach

See also: Complete List Of CPD Points Requirements For 100% CPD Points As Indicated By NTC

29. As a strategy to improve schools, which statement is false about intensification mandate
A. They are imposed on schools from external stakeholders
B. They are uniformly applied to all school
C. They require schools to do more of what they are already doing
D. They require schools to use plans to drive improvement

30. Teachers persuing moral and ethnic behavior in their schools usually
A. Cater for the needs of their constituency
B. Do not promote data-driven decisions
C. Seek to represent all stakeholders fairly and equally
D. All of the above

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21. C
22. B
23. B
24. B
25. B

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26. A
27. B
28. B
29. B
30. C

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